I: Introduction
Programming languages are a set of rules and instructions used to create a computer program. In this article I will analyse some of the programming languages.
A: Learn basic python programming for beginners
Python is a simple, easy-to-read programming language. It is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It is a powerful language that allows you to write programs easily and quickly. Python is a free open source language that can be used for many different things from web applications, to video games.
II: Body
In this section I will explain some of the features of Python, as well as some of its syntax. This section will also expose the reader to certain exceptions that may occur in any program written in Python.
When writing Python code, there are two important things to remember: indentation and braces. Python uses white space to determine what blocks of code belong together. Braces are used to group code into sections, the code inside the braces is only run if all the statements in the block are executed successfully. Indentation shows where one control structure starts and ends.
Here is an example of how indentation works in python:
def function(): do_something() do_something_else() do_yet_another_thing() 1 2 3 4 5 def function ( ) : do_something ( ) do_something _ else ( ) do_yet _ another _ thing ( )
This code defines a function named function that does three things; it calls another function, it assigns a variable to another variable, and it calls yet another function. The indentation shows which lines belong to which other lines. The function definition has two additional lines after the keyword def, but they aren’t actually part of the function definition because they aren’t indented like the rest of the function is.
There are four types of loops in python: while, for, break, and continue. A while loop runs through its code repeatedly until a condition becomes false. A for loop runs three times through its code for every time it encounters the keyword ‘for’ in its code. A break statement breaks out of a block of code early. A continue statement jumps back to the start of the loop’s code without running any more statements in the loop body.
An exception occurs when an error happens in a program. An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a computer program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions in the program, these include things like attempting to divide by zero or running out of memory. When an exception occurs, your program will stop executing at the point where the exception occurred and enter something called “exception handling”. Exception handling allows you to write code that handles exceptions you didn’t anticipate in your original program or to recover from them, for example by displaying an error message or asking the user if they want to try running your program again. Python has two categories of exceptions: errors and exceptions. Errors are generated when something unexpected happens during execution, usually when the program attempts to perform an operation it doesn’t have permission to do or when it attempts to access an invalid memory location or file handle. Exceptions are generated by the programmer when they wish to tell their program to stop execution under specific conditions or when they wish to write their own error handling for standard library objects such as file objects and socket objects. Exceptions are usually handled using try statements and except statements.
III: Conclusion
I hope you found my article useful and informative, and that you learnt something new about the Python programming language.
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