Basics of databases

Basics of databases

Lesson Details:
June 29, 2020

I: Introduction

The need of programming languages is increasing day by day. The most commonly used languages are C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, HTML etc. So they are called as high level programing languages. But there are also low level programming languages like Assembly language.

There are two types of Programming Languages:

1. High Level Languages:

These languages are easy to use. They are used for writing the programs. These languages are compiled before execution. It converts the program into machine language that the computer can understand. A high level language contains complete instructions which are understandable to humans.

2. Low Level Languages:

These are hard to use. These are not understandable to humans. They are easy to write programs in these languages. These are used to convert the program into machine language that the computer can understand. These are directly converted into machine language or assembly language before execution.

II: Body

There are many types of programming languages based on the structure of data and functions used in it. Some examples of these are: procedural languages, structured programming, functional programming, object-oriented programming, event-driven programming, procedural programming, imperative programming etc. Procedural programming is one of the oldest types of programming language that is used since 1970s. Event-driven programming is a model of concurrent computation that deals with events and the call-back routines associated with them. Object-oriented programming or OOP is popular among users due to its ability to create complex applications with less code. There are two types of OOPs:

1. Pure OOPs: This type of OOPs uses classes and objects only. This type of OOP is used in C++.

2. Impure OOPs: This type of OOPs uses both classes and objects and procedural constructs like conditional statements and loops etc. This type of OOPs is used in Java and C# (C sharp).

Functional programming is based on mathematical functions and expressions instead of using state and change over time. There are some advantages of functional programming such as Referential transparency, Composability, Conciseness etc. For example: Recursion is a common feature of functional programming which involves calling a function from within itself (loop). Recursive functions in functional programming helps to avoid complex logic in the main body of the programs and thus makes it more readable and understandable for other programmers/users too.

III: Conclusion

Programming languages provide us an easy way to write and execute the program and to solve the business problems by using computer power than traditional way. Programming skills would be beneficial in today's job market and will help you get good career opportunities. The topics mentioned above would help you to learn basic python programming for beginners and get into that field.

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