Learn Online How Instagram Analytics Tools work

Instagram Analytics

Lesson Details:
January 20, 2020

Video Transcription: This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our Academy series.
Hello everybody and welcome back in this video I'm going to talk to you all about Instagram analytics so let's get straight into it so you already have to have an Instagram business account so we've already talked about that in another video in this course so once you've done that you just want to click the button at the top right well not even the bottom at the top right the button next to the one at the top right so it looks like a little bar chart as you can see this one to see I've made it gray out for a second to some hovering over it top right underneath my charger % just there so I'm going to click that and here we have insights so 103 followers in the last seven days 53 posts in the last seven days and 122 impressions 57 reach 83 profile views and 5 website clicks awesome so now followers let's click see more alright so it shows you the more information, so we have gender 73 percent, are male 27 percent of course are female that means and then age range most of our audience is 25 to 34 years old so that's quite interesting and it men alone most of them are again 25 to 50 for women alone most of them are 25 to 54 again so yeah that's quite interesting as well let's scroll down the top locations we have Los Angeles or La Salle Paulo or something I finished the race in Brazil I'm not too sure and then New York and then some other places which I'm not sure about let's have a look at countries instead we have the United States the United Kingdom Australia Brazil and Germany awesome so now let's have a look when our followers are most engaging so you can either have a look at this by days or by hours so doc by days you can see that on Friday and Saturday the most engaging and on hours you can see that at midnight 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. is when they're most engaging so the best time for me to upload would be that's on a Sunday It would be at 9:00 p.m. on a Sunday so let's look on Saturday once again at 9 p.m. or 6 p.m. would be the best Friday anywhere between 12 and 9 p.m. possibly even Midnight. Thursday 9 p.m. 10 p.m. ish seems good Wednesday 9 p.m. again Tuesday yeah 9:00 p.m. pretty much any way and Mondays it's 9:00 p.m. again well 3 p.m. just takes it because it's a bit of a higher chart but yeah other than that 9:00 p.m. so it looks like the best time for me to upload would be on 9 p.m. on a Friday or a Saturday so that's fantastic news I now know exactly when I need to upload awesome so now let's have a quick look at some other information so you can get information about new posts so if I did a new post right now I'd get insights on it we've stats on how many people have seen it and different things like that and stories and the last one is promotions so you get information about all of those different things and insights to see how many people have looked at it and if it's a video how many people have viewed the video different things like that it's awesome it's really easy to use and it's really helpful as well because it's always helpful to know the numbers so yeah that's that nice and simply nice and easy thanks for watching thanks for listening to I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you learned a lot I'll see you in the next one goodbye

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