Explaining the Pixelify tracking codes

Explaining the Pixelify tracking codes

Lesson Details:
March 19, 2020

Video Transcription:  Now that we created our campaign let's talk about tracking codes to create a tracking code you click this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy add tracking code and it's going to ask you for existing tracking code if you don't have it let me explain to you what this is all about the premise of this is that let's say you promote your product on YouTube you make people go to your amazon link and let's say, people are clicking on your youtube link and they're visiting amazon most of them of course don't buy so you want to run retargeting ads these are ads that follow people around across the web so next time they go to Facebook if you have a Facebook pixel or if you have a pixel in any other advertising network this is just basically a code that they give you when you set up your account in their advertising network then you can add here and then what this will enable you to do everyone who clicks on your YouTube promotion link which takes them to Amazon so they never touch Facebook or they never maybe touch Google ads or anything like that but still, you will be able to retarget people on the platform of choice and you see if you click here type of code and there's a cool down and these are all the places you can retarget people so Twitter Linkedin Instagram and Google ads and Facebook ads so as soon as you set this up you'll be able to run retargeting ads which are typically some of the most highly converting and cheapest ads because those ads target people who already know about you they're not cold leads they're warm leads they're more likely to convert so this is these are actually high-priority people and this will enable you to retarget them on any the platform you want so the ultimate effect can be let's say somebody clicks on your promotional link on YouTube then if they go to Instagram they see the ads for your Amazon products they go to LinkedIn they see the ads for your Amazon the product they go to Twitter they see an ad for your amazon product they go to a Google search they see an ad you get the idea everywhere they go on the web that same person who already visited your page and maybe didn't buy they're gonna get bombarded and reminded and maybe they will by then.

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