Napoleon Hill principle 3 in action

Napoleon Hill principle 3 in action

Lesson Details:
March 03, 2020

Video Transcription: Now that you understand Napoleon Hills third principle which is doing affirmations let's go over how to do them these are essentially short statement for yourself I know it can feel a little weird so we didn't at the end of this video I will offer an alternative but for now we're doing affirmations why because Napoleon Hill says so so these are short statements to program your subconscious mind here's an example of a statement I am smart another example I am wealthy and he just repeat and repeat and your subconscious mind over time will actually follow this and start believing then the word me I am and the word smart wealthy intelligent confident healthy man of action woman of action this will start to get imprinted into your subconscious mind and reprogram your mind and maybe even change what some people call your limiting beliefs you might think now I'm not that smart and this is how you reprogram your mind I am smart I'm smart I'm smart you just keep repeating it and eventually you will start feeling your that yes I'm smart yes I'm smart and it will just be a subconscious thing you won't have to work on it so here are some tips for doing the affirmations you wanna do them daily that's the key consistent with it and daily it's like really programming the mind once today is fine maybe 2 times a day how long should you do it a couple of minutes a day pick a quiet time I'm smart I'm smart I'm smart just like that I know it's a little strange that's why it's hard to get to do it but if you can do it for a while then it does work so what's a while give yourself a few weeks one month or a few months really depends on how deeply ingrained your limiting belief is if it's something that's really holding you back and it's really been there for a long time it will take longer to reprogram and if it's something that's more on the surface it will take shorter so just see how you feel are you getting more confident.

If you are move on to the next things what's the next thing you want to tackle ok maybe you fool yourself yeah I'm worth of being wealthy I'm it's certainly for me now am i healthy am I good at something else the strategy is don't use negative words for example if you say I'll stop being poor the word poor gets repeated in your mind poor poverty you don't want that you want wealth health intelligence action whatever you want the positive version of it that's the version that you want to keep repeating not the negative like I'll stop this no I will be this I am this now if you don't want to be repeating stuff for yourself there are people who can do this for you not in as strong of a way but at least you'll get somewhat of the way there so you can find communities of like-minded people starting on and other local event websites like Eventbrite or whatever the sites are in your area just search google you'll find people who are interested in the same things you are if you find people like that keep them around and maybe even start your own small group that meets regularly this might become the beginning of your what's called a mastermind group this is something we'll talk about later but it's one on napoleon hill's main keys to success these masterminds and essentially it's people who help you along and reinforce all the positivity in for you and of course you can do this online there's different Facebook groups for different interests of course be careful online because positivity becomes negativity really quickly on the internet and Internet can be weird like this but as long as your goal is to find positivity reinforced and as long as you engage in the positivity and avoid all the negativity this can help you and of course having positive mentors and coaches who specifically work on getting you to leave your limiting beliefs and get you to believe the more positive statements and really program that in you that can also help as well so these are the ways to practice affirmations and mimic affirmations in other parts of your life.

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