Napoleon Hill principle 3

Napoleon Hill principle 3

Lesson Details:
March 03, 2020

Video Transcription: The third principle of success as outlined by Napoleon Hill is the auto-suggestions and affirmations this is essentially repeating to yourself that you'll succeed as you might picture it and imagine for some people this can feel a little bit stranger hokey like repeating to myself am I really talking to myself now affirmations is certainly not for everyone it can feel weird so we're gonna talk about it also is how to join communities of like-minded people so that you can get this reinforcement not just from within yourself but from others two different approaches will work for different people so in this video this is just the introduction to the principle and it's a pretty basic principle just repeating to yourself that you'll succeed which is going to instil that belief in you that you will succeed and in the next video we'll talk about some techniques for how to do this by joining communities and by doing the affirmations also.

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