Twitter Profile Introduction

Module 3 and Twitter Profile Introduction

Lesson Details:
January 30, 2020

Video transcription: Welcome to module 3 about Twitter success system course this is optimizing our Twitter accounts so what are we optimizing for there are three things the first is the twitter search and other search engines such as google we want to show up in relevant search results the second we want to have a professional an aesthetically appealing page so when people find us they are more likely to follow us and number three we want to make sure our Twitter spam rating stays as low as possible so that we don't get restricted from several of Twitter's functionalities so I'm gonna take you step-by-step through each part of your profile and tell you exactly how to optimize it the best three point one is Twitter profile picture three point two will be your header image three point three would be Twitter background three point four Twitter bio three point five I'll run you through some good and bad Twitter account examples excuse me and tell you what is good about them and what is bad about them and hopefully it'll give you some inspiration for your own Twitter account and three point six would be optimization resources a few third-party software's and resources that'll help you optimize your Twitter account more efficiently and effectively so quickly Before we jump in I just wanted to show you what each characteristic of your Twitter account looks live on the website so start here on the Left this is the profile image as you can see it's a square and it just begins to overlay the picture behind it which is the header image of your Twitter profile if you come down left to left below your profile image you'll see the name of your account and then the handle of your account and under that is your bio so this is the this is the editable bio right here you can write whatever you want then you put in your location and Twitter automatically put when you join Twitter under your location there is one extra added element since the new Twitter update I'm just going to put in it now it's a colder pin tweet I'm gonna go into detail that you can just see the pin tweet is at the top of your Twitter newsfeed.

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