Long Tail Keywords And How To Find Them - Learn Online

Long-tail SEO keyword example

Lesson Details:
January 31, 2020

Video Transcription: In this video I want to walk you through some an example of longtail SEO keywords so that you understand where we're going with this because again Google is too crowded you saw as if in the previous example it just was too hard to rank for the term grout cleaner or grout cleaning product it's just the competitors are too high so we're gonna side stab them with keywords of they're not using so we're gonna think a little bit more creatively than they will and we're gonna use keywords they're not using for example grout cleaning product for your kitchen tile or for your bathroom tile or wall tile or hallway tile over ever that the tile might be so sometimes people search by that and sometimes search by that people add that type of tile porcelain tile. I don't know what I don't know what other kind of tiles there are you know like linoleum tile like you might get in your kitchen or bath or I think kitchen so there's different types of materials that the floors are made of and people will search that also you know even there's synonyms like for example bathroom sometimes people say call it restroom sometimes kitchen sometimes people's you know say like there's I guess there's no synonyms for the word kitchen but you see what I'm saying some of the like instead of hallway people say hall sometimes there's just other phrasings for the same term and people all kinds of different people search that and guess what you're you know the Home Depot's and the Lowe's they don't have anybody being that creative per page so here we're just being resourceful and making sure that we're covering every variation of keyword that is used now this is not keyword stuffing this is just using a high keyword keyword variety so it's it's something Google likes and it's not spammy at all of course you don't say and you know don't list them think you know don't just list items like types of floors but you know tastefully add that into your content into your sales page and then it will be totally natural for your customers for your readers and Google will like that because you're using keywords that they don't have a lot of content for cuz most content on this topic focuses on grout cleaner and grout cleaning product now There's additional keywords because what people want to do best quick easy effective those are all potential keywords that people will use in combination with the other terms here and you can see how many different permutations can be made on the page with this and it doesn't always have to be together but as long as you have these keywords then it's better than your competitors that is because they probably they won't have even all these keywords and then there's the keywords around creating content so some people might not want to immediately buy grout cleaning products although people who search for the product itself they are a much better lead because they already wanted to buy the product but some people will search for education like how to clean tile and my client actually specializes in you know he kind of owned this how to clean tile without getting on your hands and knees people really want to know that because there's a lot of times very hard scrubbing that you have to do to clean your tile to clean clean grout and some people hate that process and but but this is more the last item here it's more people searching for a tutorial rather than the product but if you show a good tutorial and if you say in your tutorial hey people like this you know people who are able to use this like we're able to clean their tile that easily they use certain product here's the link to where you can get this product that has been effective for my grout cleaning product clients to sell that product especially when he makes like before-and-after pictures or even videos of how easy it is to clean grout with this product then of course that example shows people how easy it is and people want it then people buy it so the educational search is a little bit less direct then the direct commerce searches the direct commerce searches are the ones where people actually search for the buying the product but because it can be shown that the product is so effective that educational term how to clean tile without getting your hands and knees actually also generate sales so these are all the kinds of variations of content and keyword variations that you can think of when you're creating your pages so that your pages end up looking you know the the just out ranking others on the longtail keywords.

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