SEO For The Home Page | Design | Online Course With Appy Pie Academy

SEO for the home page

Lesson Details:
March 09, 2020

Video Transcription : I want to show you the SEO for the homepage and SEO for your homepage this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy will be handled differently from the SEO for the rest of your site okay and many people get this a little bit wrong or well some people get it a lot wrong but we will get it right okay so I want to show you what happens this is my sort of default installation where I haven't touched SEO yet and I'm going to show you basically the default so I'm gonna go to view developer and view source and depending on your browser you may have to navigate to the view source in a different way this is chrome but you know anyway all browsers offer a view source and what we're looking for here is the title and description type and I'm going to show you what their title see how right now this is this is um this is taken from the header okay news and expert opinions from social on social and environment issues okay whatever and we're also looking so the title meta tag okay this is in your header and we're also looking for the description the description meta time okay that just also from the that is also from the heaven okay and you know I just want to show you that there's other title tags description tags description then there is this og it's another kind of a meta tag but you see it's the same it's for Twitter you know there's one and that one's not mine this is not part of that and then I want to show it for the title is there's like 37 one title meta tag okay so we want to edit these the way you have one editors is SEO title and meadows and you have to control your homepage and so these are variables right and you want to say something else so you want to say you want to have this keyboard you want to have a keyword rich right so you want to have your brand in there so let's keep that site name but let's take the rest of these out so maybe let's say what do we wanna say in my case what are the okay and just for you know I think the examples sake you know will have these unique things here so that when I click Save Changes you will be able to see how that effects the home page because the home page has the most sort of effect of you know the most control well if it's the number one sort of your strongest SEO page typically for most pages so let's kill that because close this page because it's the it's all let's refresh this page and then not think the source from this and see how it was changed see how the title that we had set is this title and you see how we go description expert interviews and opinions on the environment is also good see how so it's no longer taking the default but it's taking the things that we instructed it and I think the maximum women here is hundred forty characters and a maximum in here is about 70 characters so that's kind of how you control the SEO of your homepage also of course you want to have you know a lot of content so maybe many of the keywords that will remain here like these keywords like keywords here that there are gonna be the same for all pages should be certainly your categories or keywords right so they're always gonna appear these are all things you should kind of control a little bit in order to add extra keywords that people might search for and they might find your site and that are relevant keywords for your site so but the most important ones are the title and meta and description meta tags but there's also these kind of blurbs and all kinds of keywords all around your site so don't forget about that and that's kind of how you control the home page SEO the on-page SEO for your homepage.

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