Tips to sell on forums and online communities

Tips to sell on forums and online communities

Lesson Details:
April 30, 2020

Video Transcription: Guys now I'm going to show you how you can sell your product by first of all joining your main online community this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy and then selling products selling your product by becoming one of the main contributors to that community so you become one of the best-known people they're one of the most recognizable and trusted people there and then people will start buying from you okay so I'm going to show you this with a really good example of actually you to me because udemy has a private not not so private I mean there's like twenty five thousand people in there but a private essentially a private group for instructors okay people who make udemy courses and this is the group and you can see the kinds of conversations that they have and there are some people who post there all the time like this guy max is one of them there's another guy that I want to find I haven't I haven't found him today he's post very pretty deeply but essentially what happened was people kind of help each other here and some people help each other all the time you know as you can see like in today like this guy mark timber like I know him I've interacted MPs and good courses here here's again and not sure you like probably here he's asking questions also this woman is very active today but basically some people are active on it like every day all the time and then for example that one person I had in mind he had a course that that's the intended students were udemy instructors and the course was about how to sell your udemy courses how to sell more courses and it was a good course and guess what there are like 25 thousand people here who are all udemy instructors almost right and he was one of the top respected and recognized people and trusted right and so boom right away he had this incredible incredible audience of people who already trusted him who already knew him and who respected him and then boom he needed his product yeah and of course that was a great thing to do I'm so you sweet so whatever your niche is find one of the top forums for it and become one of the most helpful people there spend some time and you know definitely answer people's questions help people and people will start recognizing your name you'll start building authority in it and then not only can you kind of kind of forward people right from your answers to your product but also when you have any announcements or if you have anything else you'll have a built-in audience who already trusts you already recognize you and who'll be receptive to your promotional messages first whereas if you just go there for the first time and say hey guys buy my product you'll be considered as a stamp because they don't really know you but so so work on building trust within your online communities and work on being one of the top people so that one in them so when people when you have something to sell then boom right away you know you have this incredible number of people who are exactly your target audience so forums are really really really effective so spend time on them because it's it's forums seem like unsexy and maybe it seems more like nineties technology but they really work too sometimes to sell and this is not a really a forum right this is more of like a more modern version of a forum but any online community you can find you know Facebook maybe forums me anything else you just become recognized there and trusted and then you can self.

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