How to build out a full sales team

How to build out a full sales team

Lesson Details:
April 30, 2020

Video Transcription: How to build out of your sales team and I'm gonna give a few strategies for this and kind of progress from small company to as your company gets bigger and so and I'll give a few different perspectives this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy so just to start just to kind of clear the air let's be honest here most people ask this question of how to build out a sales team not because it's the right time for them to build out a sales team but because they have no sales and who knows why they have no sales right and it's probably not gonna be a sales team might not help them what's gonna have to help them is they're gonna have to create a product that is good people need good things right how do you do that not by hiring a sales team often what you gotta do as the entrepreneur is you gotta take your product and start talking to your customers and trying to sell to your customers right this is a theory from Steve Blank who was like one of the most respected business out there he's got a really popular book for Stephanie I'm not promoting his book but I read it it's really helpful you can look it up anyway he's like the one of the most important sales guys today one of the leading sales theorists I guess and his whole thing is like you know and I have videos about him and his whole thing is like get out of the building meaning go and talk to your customers go talk to customers ask them why they are not buying this thing what's wrong with it what's gonna make them change their mind what's gonna make them buy they'll tell you some of them won't but you gotta talk to a lot of them and then you really get a sense really great sense why are the people that you think are supposed to be buying your product or not and once you have a sense guess what you're growing you change your product precisely and exactly according to the things they sell they tell you why they're not buying improve those things that they're complaining about and come back to them and say hey these things you complained about is gone then you wanna just there now right so why not why are you gonna buy it now yeah if yes good if no by now and then you repeat the cycle until you get mostly people saying yes okay so that's gonna solve a lot of stuff like why people aren't buying your product because it's too early to build out a sales team and you've got to really do the initial sales on your own you got to get to know your consumer because even though once your company starts growing sales and you kind of hire salespeople and things like that you still need to have that really good well-developed sense for your customer so that whenever you evolve your product in the future you know how to evolve your product you know what your customers are gonna want we're gonna look for things like that so it's really important so you always want to have that sense and you want to get that sense early now fine okay we're done with that now how do you really build on yourself - you've got a a good sales team has to have a good the the first person you bring out to your sales team generally should want yes they should want good commissions of course but they should want to be part of your company it's really good if they buy into the vision and they want to be there for the long term and they actually a good sales person for the kind of things you're selling what they will need probably right so sometimes it's depend it depends really on the kind of sales that you want to be making often the sales person should be like creating a list of potential targets to sell to and then talking to them but they should their time should be spent talking and you should hire another more junior person with that sales person the main sales person should hire like a more junior person to generate leads right to just call it make the initial calls make more initial calls and set up like more serious more volved calls with it with the bigger self with a more experienced salesperson so you kind of need those two people because the initial the junior person will just set up a lot of like the hot leads for the experienced salesperson and experienced helpers and sales person should close these deals right so that's actually how this starts right with these two kinds of people generally well first you hire the very expensive very experienced salesperson and then they they find a good junior person they can work well with and then as you have more and more leads you find ways to get more and more leads you you you need to hire more salespeople and you hire more like middle level sales people to make more calls with those happy right so those are the kinds of ways that's how you really build out the sales team first you've got a hustle on your own you've got to get to know the customer you got it from that knowledge build the product that you want that the consumers will want once you build that product you gotta stay at some point you will have to step away unless your main role will be sales if your main role would be C Co you can do in sales all the time so you hire a good senior person in sales they hire like a junior person the junior person does over like basic work to save a person the big salesperson time and then start making sales once that senior sales person has Morley hot leads that they can handle you get more and more and more sales people and that's really how you build a sales team.

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