Best hacks to sell on Facebook

Best hacks to sell on Facebook for free without paying them

Lesson Details:
April 30, 2020

Video Transcription: In this video I'm gonna show you the best ways to promote your business or to sell your products for free on Facebook this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy and you know as a disclaimer to this video of course by now you know Facebook Facebook makes it extremely difficult to sell products I mean they if you if you post a promotional message they show your message to as little as 1% of your existing audience people have who have already liked your page so I mean even with that kind of barrier with that sort of a hoop to jump through I'm gonna show you what some some current best practices that people do now this is a page that I'm gonna give you example of it of Mary Smith she's considered to be one of the foremost experts on facebook and this is her business page Mary Smith as you can see and we are gonna take a look at what she's doing and I'm gonna point to you guys exactly what she's doing that's right and how you can do it too first of all where you can put the link to your site because the idea is you want to drag people to your site or to your sales page now this is the About section you have in the Bell she has a blurb about her right you see that she's a Forbes mentioned top social media power influencer and Facebook expert like I told you right and boom she sends you right to her website and then boom she sends you right to her Twitter and suggests an Instagram then she links to her site okay that's one thing she does really well that's what you should do and you can easily do this by clicking the About section of your oh your home page a business page and just fill it out right there and that's how you get that now okay next you see how she has these two unusual things here right these are custom tabs it's made by an app it's called woobox see that and you can just search for blue box and you know you can sign up there are these kinds of tabs that are free and some that are paid but what's cool is that she's able to tell products because if you take a look at that she sounds a free webinar and guess what webinars are this one of the secrets of the web because webinars are one of the things that sell extremely highly because from the webinars she gives incredible information and then she upsells you to some paid products of hers and webinars are a great way to convert people to become paid clients so she's very smart woman she's on she knows what she's doing and then she has a paid class right so you can click these and then go there okay the other thing you can do is check this out this is my page right and look I have a shop now she doesn't have this but I have a shop now and if I if you click this it will go to my website because this is my page it will you know give me some editing options but if you know go to go to the link it will go to my website problem you're calm you can buy my apps buy my books right here courses things like that but we don't want to do that right now we want to close this and so you can also had a shop now and it's in this area it was very easy to add I think it was one of my options so these three things right the custom buttons which you see I don't have done yet the shop now and also you see I put my you know URL here and I put my URL here you got it right now so when these are the tools these are the main tools to drive people from your page from your Facebook page to your website or whatever you're selling from just or some any kind of sales page now how do you actually drive people to your Facebook page from Facebook right for free so this is the other piece of the puzzle because you know Facebook makes it very hard because if you just post some you know they show you how many people see your updates right so sometimes I was like for example I would I show you know I promoted one of my youtube videos here and you can see only 17 people reached right out of 606 people who like my page I mean that's really bad you know that's just a little bit over two percent so that there's no that's no way to go right so here's the trick okay don't put necessarily promotional messages do it sometimes but as you can see if you do it sometimes I mean I reached 17 people I mean not great not not zero right it's better than zero but it's not great by any means so what I do instead is I find great articles from around the web okay so for example here's one that did well this is like about really funny dog videos okay has nothing to do with business because my page has to do with business anyway and Facebook by the way they know which links do well because many people post the same links I mean everyone who uses the Internet you kind of uses Facebook almost right so people post a lot of links on their profiles and so when people post a lot of links Facebook knows okay this is a great piece of content so you can see that even this funny dog video it's unrelated but I've reached 250 people which is almost 10 times more than my YouTube video reached right so this is this because this starts to become for what my page is which is 650 people who like it this kind of reach is quite not bad and keep in mind you know Facebook shows you don't the reach but let's say I'm Twitter I mean Twitter doesn't show you the reach and you assume everybody saw it but it never happens that everyone sees it right and people are not checking some people are you know doing other things so you'll never have like a hundred percent reach rate but you know maybe here between a third and a half of the people it's quite decent and you can say also got some engagement people liked it which means I get promotion on their page because that if you're there feeds that notification they like they like that so six people like that you see one two three and then three more and you know so I also got a couple of people who like my page who were didn't just like the post but actually liked my page I got people here right but then when you when you do that when you post a great post and you see I posted like some photos here they got 63 people we're just still far better than the 17 then this today this is very recently I posted three hours ago only tap entrepreneur in the US so this is more business related it reached you know doubled and this is probably gonna reach more as time goes on because it's actually sad the evening which is like the worst time to post because no one's online compared to the other days but anyway you see that people more you reach more people when you post just good content from around the web and if it's related content then people who like that stuff they'll probably like your stuff so he's so anyway that's how I get people to my page by posting good content and then I optimized well I show that to my this panel also but I have the link here and I have the shop now and I'm going to soon have the buttons here also to get drive people to my site and these are the best because this is the best area because look it's like the middle of the screen above the fold so this is a great area and I should really do it soon so anyway this is how you do this is how you promote these are the best ways to promote for free on Facebook today and to me this around this early early December 2014 so this is what you should try as.

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