Example of cool modern domains and business names from AngelList

Example of cool modern domains and business names from AngelList

Lesson Details:
March 05, 2020

Video Transcript: In this video I came up with a way to look at what are the cutting-edge startup names at the moment  so I went to Angel list comm or angel Co it's the same thing and this is a site where the newest startups get funded and what I looked at I navigated to a place where there's jobs area you can get a job and so when I'm looking for our startups are looking for work sorry not looking for work are looking to hire what that tells me the hints there is that these guys have enough money they're funded so they're not like loser startups they're actually good cutting-edge startups off today that are funded and they're getting that are getting hiring people so they're growing and I'm gonna look at names here and we're gonna examine what are the cool startup be names in this and you can do the same thing you can take a look at the URL and angel that CEO jobs they might make you log in but eventually you'll navigate to this page so what am I looking for let's look at the few companies sound better okay two English words it's startup it's supposedly startup II but it's just better it's just English words there's nothing nothing really amazing about it sadly though okay see like they put it they put do in the end of the word in the end of the domain that putting words like go putting more like do putting words like me that's another good tactic gained Fitness I don't even know just a regular name quite burns I have no idea what this is zo tap you see they just took two syllables tap is clear zero is not even clear I think they bastardized some word and they took some one syllable out of that word form I just it's like Facebook very short quick two words together pay the camp same thing quick two words together reviving it's a and here think they're doing here is just a little bit of a misspelling reviving okay it's catchy.

I don't like the misspelled stuff because people will literally misspell your misspelling and you you might lose a little bit of traffic by the way so it's not my favorite tactic in queue border okay I have no idea I guess it's I would say it's something with boats were motor or they're like incubating motors maybe it's so clever that is confusing no idea but you see that they essentially just changed up they changed up they mutated one word and they took syllables from each word and made it short and put it together and it's catchy and it has some reference to some things I have not to be honest I have no idea if it's about motors if it's about book if it's about both if it's about both motors but so I don't think they got I did a really great job here but certainly nobody was crazy enough to ever probably look at you know get there's no main before so they were able to get the domain very easily rocker box I like this rocker very clear has very brandable box is also very breathable because parts at the moment you know birch box in like everything box is basically they're gonna send you a box a month in with new cool stuff it's like a subscription service it's a popular start up right now I think it's overdone but people like it I guess and let's just look at the last one DCG trade nothing crazy here just a few syllables and then trade it was this one was boring let's look at unknown come with steer I get stir they're a little bit edgy cool okay there's their in the path but or is it about Hamas if it's about Hamas then it's not stir its Teeter and then I have no idea just for fun let's look at see what this is isn't about Hamas or is it about stirring it's a little confusing how mister I wish they had an easier way there you go to go to their site so let's see what this is alright is a Thomas and I don't know what is TIR ha monster maybe it's just nothing maybes ha monster so like it's something about hummus all right it's cool okay so everybody check out hummus and they got a lot of different hummuses maybe it's a brand of hummus that guys may be a chef okay very cool place now that's about it so you see this was like a really real world natural way to look at what's catchy now and what are the tactics that our people are using for cutting-edge startups today that get great domain it.

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