Showing initial link tracking analytics

Initial Link Tracking Analytics

Lesson Details:
May 12, 2020

I: Introduction

A: How to become an amazon best seller

The main problem with the whole concept of “best selling author” is that there are no standards or consistent rules that would tell you what it means. The only thing that makes sense is that it means selling more books than other authors in any given time period. What time period it depends, what country you are in and what territory you are selling your book to. It is not possible to define “best selling author” without knowing all of these factors. And even if we do, the term will still be very vague.

The fact is that there are two variables at play here: geographical area (country) and time period. So if you want to define “best selling author”, you need to define both of them. For example, if you live in the UK and your book sells more copies than any other book by any other author in Germany at the moment, then you are a best selling author. That is because you are selling more than anyone else in Germany right now.

But what if I live in the US, but sell more than anyone else in Australia? Then I am still a best selling author in Australia, but not in the US.

So what matters is the sales volume in the geographical area where you live and sell your books at the present moment.

This is why there are no real standards for measuring success as an author, because it basically depends on your location.

If you are an American writer, then it does not make much sense for you to track foreign book sales, or book sales abroad. This would be like tracking the performance of your favorite football team through TV channel showing games from different European leagues. Sure, you can do this, but it would be much better if you watched the games of your favorite team directly. You should do the same with your own book. It would make much more sense to track your own book sales directly, rather than watching other books doing well instead of yours.

I know that Amazon has made the world smaller, but it is still divided into various territories. Each territory represents a separate market where people have different preferences and interests. There are also different laws and regulations that might affect your book sales or even ban them altogether. It makes much more sense to understand how one market works at a time. Trying to understand too many markets at once is not going to help you become a best selling author. It would only confuse you and give you the wrong information about what to do next.

What is more important here is how to become an Amazon best seller in your own country. And as long as you do not want to become a best selling author worldwide, there is nothing wrong with this approach. You will still sell a lot of books and make money as an author, as long as you learn how to master Amazon as a sales platform first and foremost; and how to sell books on Amazon at least as good as your competition does. This way you will always be able to compete anywhere with anybody and be successful as an author with any amount of books sold at home and abroad.

Takeaway: Become a best seller locally first, then start thinking about becoming a best seller worldwide.

II: Body

A: Showing initial link tracking analytics for this site

Here is the analytics screenshot for my website:

As you can see from this screenshot, I have been getting around 200-300 visitors every day for over 3 months now. This number includes search engine traffic and direct traffic from social networks and other websites that quote my articles and use my pictures and videos in their posts and articles about self publishing and writing books online. As you can see from this screenshot, I have been getting around 200-300 visitors every day for over 3 months now. This number includes search engine traffic and direct traffic from social networks and other websites that quote my articles and use my pictures and videos in their posts and articles about self publishing and writing books online. In addition to this, I have been receiving around 1000-2000 page views per day from people who read my book reviews or those pages where I describe how to become a best selling author on Amazon locally and worldwide on a daily basis. This makes up a total of around 10K-20K visitors per month on average across all platforms where my content is shared across the web. And that counts only those visitors who use Google Analytics on their websites or on their blogs where I share my content on a regular basis. The actual number may be much higher than this, of course, because Google Analytics only shows analytics for those people who have installed GA on their websites or have signed up for its free service on their blogs or other sites they use more often online.

In total I have been sharing my content on 9 different platforms since April 2015: 4 blogs, 2 Facebook pages, 2 Facebook groups, 1 Twitter account, 1 video channel on YouTube and 1 ebook publishing company – Smashwords – which helps me distribute all my ebooks across the globe on the Internet for free! All of these platforms share my content regularly with hundreds of users each day because they know that they can trust me to provide quality content in exchange for free promotion of their own content on their websites or blogs, or Facebook pages or groups because I am willing to reciprocate when they ask me if I could promote my content on their sites in return for them sharing my content with their audiences too! With all these platforms combined I am getting over 5K unique visitors every week who read my content about self publishing books online or how to become a best selling author on Amazon locally or worldwide! And when you add up all the blog posts about these topics published since April 2015, the total amount of unique visitors comes up to over 100K by October 2015! This makes me think that it is definitely possible to become an Amazon best seller globally without spending money on paid advertising! And this was achieved without any promotion at all! And that counts only those visitors who use Google Analytics on their websites or on their blogs where I share my content on a regular basis. The actual number may be much higher than this, of course, because Google Analytics only shows analytics for those people who have installed GA on their websites or have signed up for its free service on their blogs or other sites they use more often online.In total I have been sharing my content on 9 different platforms since April 2015: 4 blogs, 2 Facebook pages, 2 Facebook groups, 1 Twitter account, 1 video channel on YouTube and 1 ebook publishing company – Smashwords – which helps me distribute all my ebooks across the globe on the Internet for free! All of these platforms share my content regularly with hundreds of users each day because they know that they can trust me to provide quality content in exchange for free promotion of their own content on their websites or blogs, or Facebook pages or groups because I am willing to reciprocate when they ask me if I could promote my content on their sites in return for them sharing my content with their audiences too! With all these platforms combined I am getting over 5K unique visitors every week who read my content about self publishing books online or how to become a best selling author on Amazon locally or worldwide! And when you add up all the blog posts about these topics published since April 2015, the total amount of unique visitors comes up to over 100K by October 2015! And if you are wondering how many people actually bought my ebooks this year so far after reading my content about self publishing books online or how to become an Amazon best seller worldwide? Well… Here are some numbers for you:

And if you are wondering how many people actually bought my ebooks this year so far after reading my content about self publishing books online or how to become an Amazon best seller worldwide? Well… Here are some numbers for you: —> Click here to download all sales reports from Smashwords in one zip file <—–

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