Mini Mission: Practice the Online Observer Technique

Mini Mission: Practice the Online Observer Technique

Lesson Details:
December 13, 2019

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our academy series now it's your turn to practice the online observer technique so you've seen me do it and you know what it looks like and it's important that you do it yourself so you can gain that confidence in that experience plus I think it's really fun so the first thing we want to do is I want you to choose an audience that you want to learn more about if you already have a project that you're working on then I highly encourage you to choose that as your audience because you're most genuinely interested about learning about that audience and by doing this it's going to benefit you once you're finished with this course but if you don't already have a specific target market or audience that you want to work with then you can just use the audience of people that want to become copywriters or people that want to become freelance copywriters and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna find the most relevant market places using the cheat sheet that's attached to this video and in that cheat sheet you're just gonna see some of my favorite online marketplaces but like I mentioned before feel free to go to any other online marketplaces where you think that you'll find your target market and once you get to those marketplaces you're going to identify the top pain points that keep coming up in other words what's the common thread that you see through all of your customers or people in your target market talking about your niche and then you're also going to open up a blank document and copy and paste as much of your customers language as you can and the more of their language that's speaking directly to the pain points they're experiencing that you can grab the better pause this video now and don't move on until you finish this mini mission congratulations that's awesome you've just completed this mini mission and by now you've learned one of the most powerful tools that I have ever come across in my years of doing this to help you become a better copywriter this is a secret weapon that the majority of people that are writing copy don't use it's so easy it's so powerful and now that you've actually done it yourself I don't have to convince you of this because you've actually had that direct experience and hopefully you had fun with it in this video you practice the online observer technique.

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