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Watch Your Copy Coach: Run a Customer Interview Call

Lesson Details:
December 13, 2019

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our Academy series where I'm at is actually I'm a single ice artist and I'm in my studio behind me is the plastic sheeting is protects the paint booth or they do painting it's not like a scene out of most market or anything like that that's awesome serious yeah I did you say glass and I also do writing well I'm trying to I'm trying to get into that and what made you want to get more into writing well I don't writing before usually I have been writing articles for like online magazines specifically in religious or surgical typesetting and I just finished working with somebody we're publishing a book in Iran about and it's held United design principles of Islamic architecture so give yourself laws to write for people to read and would you say that for me motivation and learning copywriting yeah learning at that platform to use the writing skills that I have and direct them towards an income I think and when did you first decide that that was something you want to do or learn how to do about two months ago I think and what led you to that decision uh I'm not a sage in my career my family advance financially right now I thought it would be really good to expand I'm also extremely I works out of you and all you thought that hey the lighting our expansion kind of complement each other so would you say that your main motivation is to be able to spread your message more powerfully or the extra source of income or is it equal between the field thank the copywriting we helped provide a little bit of stability and the communication skills necessary to support the artwork so they complement each other but kinda sideways okay I took a computer programming course same time I was taking English club course they aren't disband the same thing but the computer programming helped me to really focus and clarify what I was writing in the English class and the English course really helped me helped me to kind of clarify the objectives with the programs on the show so exactly lead to each other but they really informed each other that's how we see the copywriting and really interesting I think it's really cool that you combine two things especially if they seem somewhat unrelated and they actually really help each other well just with the copywriting class that I took from you the first word I've been really anything things like Carter's file and vicious and stuff like that and just the copywriting mentality really help me clarify what should be artsy fartsy language mm-hmm without sounding a lot more intelligent a lot more professional AirAsia's and at this point in your journey what would you say are the most helpful to grow your copywriting skill anyone I think that application being of the actual values of people working actually selling would be a really big thing and I think that in turn would have helped me to increase the schools as well that's the biggest probably think I can understand what I need to do please the cost that we talk with sculpture I can have people do worksheet so I can have them do exercises and talk about it but until they actually do that get the figures in work for you something show it it really don't have a way to apply what they're learning and that's already I feel that I want to find and source and you know exactly how we can go about to start sewing stuff so I can get better I'm doing it with the world yes and is there any places besides this book that you just wrote where you started to practically apply the stuff well it really doesn't count if it's in Iran I didn't give me money for it look for perhaps other than but [Music] we process writing other things as well [Music] gradually applying it but I feel like I've made that kind of next step you taking it somewhere and at this point are you more interested in finding other people's project and then then paying for you to write for them or for you to write something that you would sell I'm interested in both but I think what would really help the other I think that while I'm working on other people's projects that would help me gain confidence in working on my own stuff but it would also provide kind of the financial support to help me as I was working on the project so just make sure I got that right it sounds like both are equally important because they complement each other and I think probably you would start out with working on other people's project because that lays the foundation where you can then do your own stuff yeah exactly and is there anywhere that you've gone to start looking for these kind of jobs well I've been looking at a couple different sites that are supposed to help to help people to to connect them with people that will actually pay for stuff and reaching out a couple of the places that I reached out to and either I don't really know I don't have the kills do you know where to actually go to look where doesn't feel like it after slider with a shower cap you know it's really and I'm those sites that you visited where any of them do they seem really promising when you join them yes they did well everything seems really promising one one thing that is kind of frustrating to me is there are you know saying things like we'll teach you how to sell stuff and things like this but when it comes down to well why don't you like what are the resources fine so I can actually sell stuff how do I present myself it's seems either either lacking or in a theoretical cloud or it just so happens that they have a program for that that I can pay a lot of money to get to that's really frustrating I'm not looking for another program are looking for this scales like well you know there's in any community there are several different places you can go to that will help you or dress appropriately and run your resume and so you can walk in and just you know somebody but it's there doesn't seem to be any resource that will be that same kind of thing for turning and firing at venues for something like yeah I can imagine the training what are some of these sites that you can do however they seem really mamasita them they kind of let you down that rabbit all I don't know if I should I say sites specifically I don't want to get anybody oh good yeah we don't have to say that no words that's a good point I guess one question that came to my mind is have you tried the pre Lansing web sites like how poor oh yeah oh God tap work and I started looking at that and I actually applied for several things and it seemed that I have a full time job right now we're trying to do these other things and the amount of time it would take to get the kind of thinking I'm hoping for seems like it would be less proud of what I'm making now and that's not you know even as a part-time job because I was looking for and if I knew the session would be appropriate to take or or the kind of things to look for to whom to approach then I can't party bear I think I lost one game for a while you know but at that point yet it's still shocking really I will go back into it promising but it's at a point where it seems like it's more of a waste of time than anything else like ten articles for six dollars an hour just doesn't seem to be where I want to be you know if I knew that you know 30 days that would get better than that would be a different thing but you know I have how it looks and with the the lack of education I have about it it just doesn't seem like that's real City and just to make sure it's this thing where if you knew that investing this time into the up work would tap in the long runs then you would be happy to do it if it was a clear path but as it is now you have this full-time job and you don't want to give up that or you maybe can't afford to give up that paycheck in order to pursue this thing that seems pretty unsure whether it's gonna lead to anything and yeah this is one of the reasons why I'm a Salter and I do art because it's a little bit more difficult to articulate things clearly I'm not working with my hands oh and when I want to write something I usually go through about 20 revisions to get there 20 where it's actually clear and why would you are why did you choose popular as the income I've seen the resonate the best with the types of things I've already done a lot of the work that I do with organizations is trying to make something interesting where most people are not interested at all and a lot of the kinds of questions you have to ask yourself that you do copywriting are the questions that you need make sound inviting or interesting to engage that potential audience so I love that and I know that you learned so much about the psychology of people honey popular memes yeah if somebody if you want to tell somebody yeah we're having a Baptist picnic in the park well you said care the people are do care of the people anyway mm-hm but if you tell somebody hey we're gonna have an awful lot of fun you're gonna be hungry anyway - Jerry was really good people that are that wants to include you in their community and if you service and it sounds a lot more regarding now I could feel it even in that example you're just saying the - the difference between the two is night and day yeah that's if we want to engage people we want them excited about the things that we are doing and if you don't use a kind of copyright style language it sounds like you agree that means family news later but we don't want people there making awesome well I thank you so much Andrew those are all the questions I have for you is there anything I could help answer with or something that came to your mind that I didn't ask well I think it would be really nice to have kind of a lot of resources in the classes and stuff and I it would be nice if there was a resource for something that in addition I work you know these are the kinds of things that it could be dinner even if you are offer a course like tell me that in the future this is how we go about to find clients exactly how to find client excellent Lee seems to be very common pain point it was like you said once you learn all the knowledge you just have to apply it it's through the real-world experience right and so much confidence constants with working with clients in your life well even if it's selling to your brother-in-law is still useful sense well I'm really enjoyed talking to hear your perspective on things very much.

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