How to Create Facebook Apps And Tabs - Learn Online

Creating Facebook apps and tabs

Lesson Details:
January 21, 2020

Welcome to 2.6 I'm gonna walk you through apps and tabs so as you can see around the Facebook for business fanpage and the apps are displayed on the bottom left of the page where that's highlighted for you it's in the left hand column and it's below your about us so what are absent tabs it's probably the least known function of your Facebook page and what they actually are are they allow you to publish various functions on your Facebook page without having to learn all right code so what functions they allow you to publish I'll walk you through the most popular ones in a second but let's figure out how to optimize this so to optimize the your apps and tabs you want to make sure using custom apps and settings as so they're suitable to your preferences and you want to make them visually appealing so your page overall looks professional and they get people to click on your app and tap so here are the most popular apps used by Facebook pages at the moment a lot of Facebook pages will cross promote social media so if you have a Twitter account you can use the Twitter app to link to your Twitter account so people can see your tweets as well another popular one is collecting email signups if you use MailChimp or Aweber they have an app where you can get email signups within your Facebook page so you can also display your blog post if you blog as a business I have a personal blog you want people to see you they'll be able to read your blog post on your Facebook page running competitions and promotions is great they will have an app for you that will set up and help you run all your competitions customer support so if you wanted to use your Facebook page as a customer support channel people can go there with their issues or problems or questions and you can help them out there you can also sell your products just like an e-commerce store right there on your Facebook page you are able to sell your products so I'm going through this just to give you some ideas of what you can potentially do with your apps it is a quite a complex process for some of them others are really simple but a simple google will show you step by step really easy how to implement them really quickly and a lot more it'll be a lot more beneficial than me showing you in this PowerPoint but when you do but when you but when you do employ the services of these apps you want to make sure they're also visually appealing so think about your app images in relation to your cover and profile images and therefore you can maintain continuity on your Facebook page so you want to maintain a similar theme and continuity to really give your page that unique style and focus let's have a look at an example of dominos you will notice again this is the older style page just for the purpose of looking at the apps I thought it'd be beneficial to include it so as you can see the apps are these four pictures on the bottom right the first app is an order now you're actually able to order pizza through Domino's Facebook page the second one is join our team if you're looking for a job you can click here and get the information on that and the fourth is Domino cares so here is the customer service I was talking about you could click that click this and either be connected with a representative or given an email form we can ask questions and state your queries so the overall theme of this as you can see is they're very symbolic cooking pitches and they also fit in with the theme of the overall page being a red red blue and a light colored gray or a white here is the official page they have the first one is a link to their Twitter account second one is the Instagram account and the third is their YouTube account as you can see really good continuity between the apps and the profile image just that black with that logo being used and then of course the logo of where you're linking to a very good use of design so the dimensions of your app icon will be 111 pixels wide by 74 pixels high.

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