Brainstorming and Stormwriting - Learn Online

Brainstorming and Stormwriting

Lesson Details:
February 14, 2020

Video Transcription: In this video I'm gonna talk about how to build on your idea with three different ways brainstorming brain brain writing and the Socratic method which is super cool and super geeky because I like philosophy so I'm really happy to talk about that now all of these are gonna kind of require two skills non judgment and some thick skin because some judgment does happen sometimes it's a human process and also some people might misinterpret at some times some things said because not everybody knows how to say things in constructive ways and reject things constructively so a little bit of patience in thick skin will actually help the process along both on your part and on the part of your partners and if you're dealing with partners who you think have fin skin then just be extra careful so first I'll go over how to brainstorm because that's the most common thing people do and then I'll get into the other two things first is you get to pull in the room and you just throw out ideas and write them down you don't reject any ideas you want to build a wide range of ideas so that later you will get rid of some of them but for now you want to keep all your ideas so that they might spurn other ideas and they might give birth to idea you know the ideas on top of them so in the beginning you keep it all then when once you're done you categorize the ideas so they're easily to think about and you sort of you know put category 1 category to category 3 after that some of the impossible ones you do end up ultimately taking out. If it hasn't got given birth to any new ideas on top of it or if it really just seems like this is a dead end you take the dead end ones out and but one do you keep are the ones that you sort of okay you start analyzing and synthesizing the over the ones that you decided okay these make sense and those are the ones you sort of okay like you start reasoning does it work does it not work now there's different works in this process at different times people might ask qualifying questions just to understand but times they might feel judgmental and people miss you know and some people it's it's a conversational process between multiple people and some people might take over the conversation obviously people who are more outgoing control the room and it might drown out other people's voices so for that reason there is this idea of brain writing brain writing has a specific methodology to it I'm not gonna go into the entire methodology the only thing I'm gonna say is that it's essentially you write down ideas on a piece of paper and you give you a your piece of paper to the next person and they build on your ideas and that way people who are naturally quiet they don't get their ideas drawn like drowned out there equally heard they have an equal voice as people who are loud and you passin a piece of paper then you've had the same piece of paper that has yours and next person's to the next person and the next person and you sort of do it with writing so it's a pretty quiet process but eventually you come up with a lot of ideas on paper that they're built on top of other people's ideas and then you can discuss them later. Now I also want to talk about an interesting thing when you only have two people you and another person which is actually the most common case and that's gonna be the Socratic method and the Socratic method you're not gonna hear about this in any business school I don't think it's just something that I always reference because I'm a geek of philosophy I like it and I think it has a place here so the Socratic method is basically a dialogue and according to Socrates was like the best way to learn is to have a dialogue and you ask and you just build on top of each other's arguments until you realize okay this is a dead end or you got you're on to something the problem with it is that it's very rejection Airy right you're trying to cut down you're trying to disprove the other person's ideas at times or build on top of them and the other person might take offense they might not realize you're doing this Socratic method thing and you're in fact get mad or take offense so you can only really do people to whom you explain the process that it's it's really just a dialogue by which you it's not about whose ideas are better it's about you both building towards a stronger argument so an example is in the actual Socratic dialogues one example Socrates asks like what is virtue and his counterpart says courage is virtue in South quickly says well no not exactly because courage is only an example of virtue but what is the essence of virtue really and obviously you'd be talking about different topics you'd be talking about business there you know two and a half thousand years ago they were talking about virtue the subject matters change but the style it's basically dialogue and when Socrates cut the guy down he said well is just an example what is the real example what is what is the virtue really that actually forced that I'd like the dialogue counterpart to think harder and longer to give a better answer so by cutting down into answers that are not great you actually keep on keep on going with it and as you keep sticking with it you'll get two better answers because you will take out the worst answer so that I like the Socratic method if you don't like it then just stick with brainstorming and brain writing so these are the ways that you can use other people to improve your ideas.

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