Can I Host My Own Website? Popular Ways to Host Your Own Website | Appy Pie Help

Can I Host My Own Website? Popular Ways to Host Your Own Website

By Abhinav Girdhar | Updated on May 25, 2021, 3:59 pm

Yes, it is possible to host your own website. There are many ways to host your website yourself. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Method 1 - Host your website with a provider

When you are planning to host your website with a provider, you first need to compare different providers. It is a good idea, at this stage to look into factors like your unique requirements and budget limitations. Then choose a hosting company and while doing so, you must consider factors like claimed uptime, support and response times, domain name costs or whether it is free, value of money for what you are getting from the company, bandwidth, and WordPress integration among other things. Once you have these two sorted, you need to choose an appropriate hosting plan and then choose a domain name.

METHOD 2 – Host a website locally

The process to do this is different for Windows PC and Linux.

For Windows PC as a WAMP server:

  • First, install WAMP software on the Windows PC
  • Upload the site files on the PC
  • Finally, make your website public

For a Linux machine

  • Install the LAMP software on the Linux machine first
  • Configure the site files and DNS on the same machine
  • Configure the Apache, and you are done

However, self-hosting a website can be a bit of a challenge if you are creating your first website. If you are creating a WordPress website, you always have the option to self-host your website.

Did you know you can create your own website in minutes, that too without any coding! All you need to do is go to Appy Pie Website and click on ‘Get Started’. Next, you need to enter your business name, choose the template you like, and add the pages and features you want to include in your website.


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