There is no limit to how much money you can make from building websites on your own. There are a number of factors that go into creating a website and an equally big number of things that you can charge a handsome amount for, from your customers. Let’s discuss in detail the different things that determine the cost of building a website.
The design, layout, and the actual coding of the website take a substantial amount of time. This is the part of the website development process that you can charge a substantial amount for. You can charge your customers an hourly amount anywhere between $15 to $75 depending on your experience and the complexity of the website you are creating. If, however, you plan to charge a flat rate, you can ask for anywhere between $1,000 and $3,000 if you are working independently as a freelancer and if you are operating as an agency you can charge anything between $10,000 and $15,000.
There is one more way to quote a price to your customers which is a monthly fee. In this manner you can quote a price according to the services expected of you. Services that you can include in your offerings include:
Website hosting can be done through a hosting service provider or you can self-host all your clients’ websites.
This is an ongoing expense where you will be charging the client a yearly fee for hosting their website on the domain name of their choice.
Taking your website live is not a one and done deal. It is important to plan scheduled maintenances so that the performance of the websites is always awesome. Apart from scheduled maintenances, it is important to keep a vigilant eye so that you can nip any problem in the bud
There are new devices launched all the time, the browsers are updated too from time to time, and of course the audiences do not want to use a website that looks outdated. This is why websites would need to be updated from time to time, even redesigned to match the changing trends.