Cea mai bună alternativă Zapier

Appy Pie Connect este cea mai bună alternativă la Zapier, deoarece vă permite să vă automatizați sarcinile repetitive pentru a economisi timp și bani pe termen lung. Petreceți mai puțin timp pentru a comuta între aplicații și mai mult timp pentru a lucra cu adevărat.

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Appy Pie vs Zapier (900+ Reviews)

Make the smart choice not the obvious one

 Zapier Alternatives & Competitors
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(Billed annually)
With Appy Pie Connect
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Why Switch to Appy Pie Connect?

  • Inbuilt API
    Inbuilt API
  • Instant Deployment
    Instant Deployment
  • Ease-of-use
  • Faster Adoption
    Faster Adoption
  • re-built Integrations
    Pre-built Integrations

Appy Pie Connect lets you integrate multiple apps to automate repetitive tasks without any coding. From ordinary assignments to complex business workflows, Appy Pie Connect enables businesses and individuals to automate anything that requires human intelligence to perform.

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Reasons to Opt for No-Code Workflow Automation Platform - Appy Pie Connect

Everything in One Place

Appy Pie Connect keeps everything about your business in one place - your content, marketing material, sales information, and everything related to your products, so that you can focus on your business instead of switching between the apps. You can orchestrate and manage your business’ workflows from a single interface. Easy to access and use- Appy Pie Connect lets all your apps work together in one place.


Zapier Comparison
Appy Pie vs Zapier Comparison

Overcome Operational Complexity

Appy Pie Connect allows you to connect your business apps to improve business operations and efficiency. Most of our apps cater to sales, marketing, customer support, and workforce management. Ideal for the business of any size, Appy Pie Connect is the best workflow automation tool to eliminate operational complexity in your organization and enhance productivity.


Flexible Plans

Appy Pie Connect offers plans for everyone, be it a startup or an enterprise. Our customers include small, medium, and large sized businesses, and the big corporate houses from all across the world. Each business has their own requirements and we can tailor each of our service plans around our customer’s needs. Our custom plans help clients get their work done better and faster while staying well within the budget.


Appy Pie vs Zapier Comparison

Commonly Asked Questions

Is Appy Pie Connect trustworthy?

Yes, Appy Pie Connect offers enterprise-class security and compliance to your customers through every interaction. All our customer credentials are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a highly secure cloud service provider in the world. Our platform undergoes third-party security assessments to ensure compliance with security policies and standards.

Is Appy Pie Connect Easy to use Compared to Zapier?

Appy Pie Connect is extremely intuitive as compared to Zapier. It is designed for non-technical users, so anyone can use it to create an integration in just a few minutes. No programming knowledge is required.

How much does Appy Pie Connect cost?

Appy Pie Connect offers a 14-day Free Trial for each plan. The paid plans start at $ 9.99 per month. All our plans are three times cheaper than Zapier, and are loaded with valuable features like unlimited integrations, the highest number of tasks per month, and less run time interval.

Who Uses Appy Pie Connect?

Many businesses ranging from start-ups to global corporations from across the world use Appy Pie Connect to automate repetitive tasks and maximize productivity. Appy Pie Connect’s automated workflows make your more productive by doing your routine tasks automatically.

What is Appy Pie Connect?

Appy Pie Connect is an automation platform that helps you to connect your apps without any coding. It lets you connect two or more apps and automate the repetitive tasks in your workflow. Our automation platform can automate any kind of task in your business, and create new experiences for customers, partners, or employees.

Which is the best automation platform?

Appy Pie Connect is the best automation platform. It is easy to use, and lets you create integrations that increase efficiency and cut costs. It is more affordable than any automation platform on the market.

Clienții care au trecut cu plăcere la Appy Pie Connect

UIMITOR ȘI RAPID SERVICIUL CLIENȚI!!!!!Cea mai utilă parte despre appy pie este serviciul clienți instantaneu! Răspunsuri rapide, ajutor rapid și, la final, o trimitere de succes la Apple și Google Play. MULȚUMIRI PENTRU APPY PIE!!!!!

O echipă incredibilă! Capacitatea de reacție a echipei este absolut uimitoare. Zero probleme până acum. Sunt uimit de cât de concis este procesul. Ei fac totul atât de ușor! Serviciul de asistență pentru clienți este ca nici un alt produs de pe piață. Livrare excepțională și rapidă! Uneori mă întreb dacă dorm!"

O gură de aer proaspăt! Appypie știe ce înseamnă servicii pentru clienți și le execută! De fiecare dată când am nevoie de ajutor, echipa lor este pregătită și disponibilă și apreciez acest lucru.

AppPie este un partener de încredere pentru afacerea meaEconomisesc mult timp și frustrări. Merită banii în plus. Instrument excelent de prototipare. Interfața este flexibilă și ușor de învățat.

Mare suport tehnic pentru un novice ca mine!În mare parte, platforma este foarte ușor de utilizat. Când a trebuit să apelez la asistența tehnică, au fost întotdeauna prompți și profesioniști și m-au ajutat să rezolv unele probleme cu aplicația.

Experiență uimitoare, cel mai bun suport EVER! Interfața cu utilizatorul de pe Appy Pie este intuitivă și ușor de utilizat. Echipa de asistență este uimitoare și întotdeauna ne ajută! Appy Pie este un instrument software grozav care vă ajută să dezvoltați soluții interne rapid și profesionist.

Appy Pie Connect - Cel mai de încredere software de automatizare a fluxului de lucru



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Page reviewed by: Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on May 15th, 2023 6:36 am