Epos Now Integrations

Top 5 Epos Now Integrations For Your Business

By Ruchi | July 29, 2024 4:08 am

Epos Now is a revolutionary cloud-based point-of-sale (POS) system that has transformed the way businesses operate. With its intuitive design and powerful features, Epos Now has become a trusted partner for retailers, hospitality businesses, and a range of other industries. At its core, Epos Now offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline sales, inventory management, customer relationships, and insights.

Integrating Epos Now with various workflow automation tools and services brings out its greatest strengths in enhancing its functionality and adaptability to diverse business needs. These integrations unlock a world of possibilities, allowing businesses to customize their POS system, automate tasks, and connect their in-store and online operations seamlessly.

By embracing these integrations, businesses can use the data and capabilities of multiple platforms. This results in improved efficiency, enhanced customer experiences, and better decision-making.

Through this article, we will understand everything about Epos Now integrations, including the types available, some of the most popular options, and the benefits they can bring to your business.

What are Epos Now Integrations?

Epos Now integrations are connections that allow the Epos Now POS system to communicate and exchange data with other software and applications. These integrations enable you to expand the functionality of your Epos Now system, automating tasks and synchronizing data across multiple platforms.

For example, you can integrate your online store's payment gateway with Epos Now, automatically updating inventory levels and sales data across both systems. This ensures that your in-store and online operations are aligned, providing a seamless experience for your customers.

Types of Epos Now Integrations

Epos Now offers a diverse range of integrations, which can be broadly categorized as follows:

  1. Payment Gateways Integrations
  2. Payment gateway integrations, such as Stripe, empower you to securely accept and process customer payments. This integration allows you to securely process payments, synchronize transaction data, and offer your customers a seamless checkout experience. With secure payment processing, you can protect sensitive financial information, providing peace of mind for you and your customers.

  3. E-commerce Platform Integrations
  4. By integrating with e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce, you can synchronize critical data between your online store and the Epos Now POS system. This includes product data, inventory levels, and customer information between your online store and the Epos Now POS system. With e-commerce platform integrations, you can offer a consistent shopping experience to your customers.

  5. Accounting Software Integrations
  6. Integrations with accounting software, such as QuickBooks, streamline your financial management process. With accounting software integrations, you can automate financial data synchronization, including sales transactions, refunds, and customer accounts. This eliminates manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors and saving valuable time on bookkeeping tasks.

  7. Website Builders Integrations
  8. Connecting Epos Now with website builders like WordPress enables you to embed Epos Now's online store functionality into your website. Website builder integrations ensure that your customers enjoy a smooth shopping journey, from product browsing to checkout.

  9. CRM Integrations
  10. Integrations with customer relationship management unlock numerous personalized customer engagements. CRM integrations help you gain deep insights into customer behavior and preferences. For example, whenever a new customer is created in the Epos Now system, a new contact will be created in the CRM platform.

Popular Epos Now Integrations

Here are some of the most popular Epos Now integrations, along with a description of how they can benefit your business:

  1. Epos Now and Stripe Integration
  2. Creating an Epos Now and Stripe integration combines the power of Epos Now's POS system with Stripe's secure payment processing platform. By connecting the two, you can accept payments online or in-store, automatically reconcile transaction data, and benefit from Stripe's advanced security features, including tokenization and end-to-end encryption.

  3. Epos Now and WordPress
  4. Setting up an Epos Now and WordPress integration allows you to embed a fully functional online store within your WordPress website. This means you can use the design flexibility of WordPress while offering a seamless shopping experience, with product and inventory data automatically synchronized between the two platforms.

  5. Epos Now and QuickBooks Integration
  6. Creating an Epos Now and QuickBooks integration automates the flow of financial data between Epos Now and your QuickBooks accounting software. This includes synchronizing sales transactions, customer accounts, refunds, and more, reducing manual data entry, and providing real-time insights into your business's financial health.

  7. Shopify and Epos Now Integration
  8. By setting up a Shopify and Epos Now integration, you can synchronize product data, inventory levels, and customer information between your Shopify online store and Epos Now POS system. This ensures that your online and in-store operations are always aligned, providing an omnichannel experience for your customers.

  9. Epos Now and WooCommerce Integration
  10. Similar to the Shopify integration, creating an Epos Now and WooCommerce integration connects your WooCommerce online store with Epos Now. This allows for the seamless synchronization of product data, customer orders, and inventory levels, ensuring that your WooCommerce store is always up-to-date with the latest information.

Benefits of Epos Now Integrations

Integrations with Epos Now offer a range of advantages for your business:

  1. Improved Efficiency: By automating data synchronization between Epos Now and other platforms, integrations save you time and reduce manual errors. For example, payment gateway integrations automatically reconcile transaction data, while e-commerce platform integrations ensure that inventory levels are always accurate across all channels.
  2. Enhanced Customer Experience: Epos Now integrations provide a seamless experience for your customers, whether they're shopping online or in-store. By synchronizing product data, customer accounts, and order information, you can offer a consistent and personalized shopping journey, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Better Data Insights: These integrations allow you to consolidate data from multiple sources, providing a comprehensive view of your business operations. This enables better decision-making, as you can analyze sales trends, customer behavior, and financial data in one place, identifying areas for improvement and growth.
  4. Customized Functionality: With a wide range of integrations available, you can customize your Epos Now POS system to meet the specific needs of your business. Whether you require advanced accounting features, CRM capabilities, or an embedded online store, integrations allow you to tailor Epos Now to your unique requirements.


Epos Now integrations unlock the true potential of your POS system, enabling seamless connectivity with a wide range of third-party applications. By embracing these integrations, businesses can streamline their operations, provide an enhanced customer experience, and make data-driven decisions with ease. With Epos Now at the center, businesses can create a powerful ecosystem of connected platforms, automating tasks, improving efficiency, and driving growth.

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