Rani Sharma

Rani Sharma

Accounts Manager at Appy Pie

Rani Sharma, Accounts Manager at Appy Pie, has more than 12 years of experience as an accountant, and is well-versed in different types of taxes, variance analysis, compliances and reporting. At Appy Pie, Rani is responsible for streamlining processes for improved efficiency, timely reports, preparing audits, and much more.

Basics of Business Financing

The Basics of Business Financial Accounting

Rani Sharma
By Rani Sharma | February 7, 2020 | 8-min read

Financing a business sounds very difficult. While ‘easy’ is not a word to throw around when you’re investing in a business, I will say it’s not as difficult as it seems. The problem with investing in your business is that commercial ventures usually have big bad words attached to them. Scary words like accounting, loans, debt, bankruptcy, and settlements. If you are a commerce graduate, you’re probably not scared of them that much, but why are they so scary to everyone else! Whoever ma[...]

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