Authors Website Builder to Create Your Writers Website in Minutes

Create a Novelists Author Website
Make a Poets Writer Website
Build a Bloggers Website

Authors Websites

  • Free Domain
  • Free Google Workspace
  • Free Mobile App
  • Offline Capabilities
  • Safe & Secure
  • 24/7 Support
Get Started

How to Build an Author & Writers Website using AI in 3 Easy Steps?

Follow three simple steps to create your own Author & Writers website:

  1. Write your website name

    Choose a unique name for your Author & Writers website

  2. Add your preferred features

    Create your Author & Writers website and add your desired features to it

  3. Publish your website

    Test your Author & Writers website and launch it

What pages are essential for an AI Author Website?

A website is a dynamic tool for an author to promote their books and products related to their personal brand. Website works as a communication channel between the authors and their fans. Some necessary pages for the author websites are as follows:

  • Books

    This is the main page of the website, as it has the relevant information about the books published or to be published by the author. Visitors of the website could have the brief information about all the books on this page.

  • Pricing

    This page has the pricing information for the books. An option to place the orders online can also be added to this page that could be linked to the payments page.

  • Newsletter

    This section of the website contains the date that the writer thinks is worth sharing with the visitors of the website.

  • Blog

    Most of the websites have the blog page that shows the articles and blogs published by author and the team. A customers’ review section could also be added to this page that shows the user experiences of buying and reading the books.

  • About

    This page tells about the author’s background and experiences. This section is important for an author website as it makes the author familiar with the audience. It has the FAQs for the visitors of the website.

  • Contact

    This page of the website has author’s contact details including phone number, e-mail address and mailing address and also a small section of upcoming events list with the addresses.

Why you should use Appy Pie’s AI Website Builder for an Author Website?

  • Creates Codeless Websites

    The company creates codeless websites with the feature of codeless designing and adding pages by using easy drag and drop option.

  • Smooth-running Websites

    Appy Pie website builder helps users in creating light and smooth-running websites that and ensure a wonderful experience for the users.

  • Time saving Websites

    Appy Pie has a well-qualified team that works on development of the websites and make it ready to use in a very less time.

  • Builds SEO Friendly Websites

    The website builder helps users create SEO friendly websites and makes Google ranking very easy.

  • Offers users’ own domain

    The Smart Assistant feature of Appy Pie offers and creates a new domain for the users in a very less time.

  • User Help and Support

    Appy Pie provides instant help and support for the users in case anything doesn’t work. The company also provides help in the form of tutorials, guides and FAQs.

Why you need to make an Author Website using AI?

An author needs a website to promote their books and to keep all the stuff at one place. On your own website you can tell the users what you do. You don’t have to tell them to go to some other website and find your books. The website has all at one place.

Website makes it easier for the people to find you. You can add the Buy and Payments page to your website so that users could get the books from your website only. The users ill be aware of all the updates and offers that you provide.

On your website, you can provide your readers to post reviews, suggestions and ask if they have any questions. In this way you could understand the readers and provide them what they want. You can update your upcoming book information on the website and make the readers interested in reading it.

Top Frequently Asked Questions

An author website is an online platform where people can find your books and get to know more about your brand. The author’s website allows you to present yourself in front of your target audience in the best way possible.

Here are a few major reasons why an author needs a website.

  1. To project professionalism
  2. To market online
  3. To pull everything together
  4. To sell
  5. To expand the reach
  6. To be always there

Here are the major characteristics that make an author’s website the perfect online platform.

  1. Should be functional
  2. Should have relevant content
  3. Should be optimized
  4. Should be responsive
  5. Should be advanced

Here is how you can create your own author website

  1. Go to Appy Pie Website Builder home page and click on Get Started
  2. Mention your business name and click on Next
  3. Choose the category that best meets your business needs
  4. Select a color scheme of your liking
  5. Click on Save & Continue
  6. If you own an Appy Pie account, login, else create an account
  7. Please wait while your website is getting ready.
  8. Click on Preview Website
  9. On this page, you will get 2 options – ‘Back to My Website’ and ‘Configuration’
  10. Click on ‘Back to My Website’ and it will take you to the My Websites page
  11. Click on the ‘View More’ tab next to your website name
  12. You will be taken to the Website Overview Page. Click on ‘Edit’
  13. You will be redirected to the design customization section. Here you can modify the visual appearance of your website and add your preferred features
  14. Click on Save & Continue
  15. Click on ‘Configuration’ to connect the website with the domain
  16. Buy a new domain or connect with your existing domain and launch your website in no time

Appy Pie’s Website Builder is the best website builder for authors.