What Are Backlinks in SEO and Why They Are Still Important


Lesson Details:
January 20, 2020

Video Transcription: This course is brought to you by  Appy Pie as part of our Academy series. 
Hello and welcome back in this video I'm going to tell you what backlinks are how to make them how to generate them and why we would use them so let's get straight into it what are backlinks are also known as inbound or incoming links and they are links to your website from another place on the internet they are extremely useful to search engines because of they give a good indication that a website is popular another website adding a link to you is essentially a vote for your website as it shows their customers that they think your website is worth visiting in addition to promoting your site via social media, it may be worth seeing if you can get links to your domain included everywhere else for example if you a trade supply firm and the stores and tradesmen who you use have links to your website on their own sites these backlinks will generate visitors to your site they will also show search engines that your site is relevant to the type of people who are interested in those particular products or services using backlinks for SEO or search engine optimization search engines will consider up that search engines will consider the quality of the backlinks when indexing and ranking a website a good the backlink will have most or all of the following attributes it will come from a reputable source if a website is very popular it's highly relevant to the keyword that is being searched and it's generally considered to be reliable and trustworthy the links provided by that site will be viewed positively by visitors and search engines it will be included on a page which contains relevant information links added to pages which are relevant to your website will be viewed as spam by search engines and penalized in the rankings this is to deter people who try to cheat the system by placing a large number of links around the web in hope for unfairly gaining visitors a form of blackhat SEO the link text will be a relevant keyword link text or anchor text is the visible link on the screen ideally this text should be a strong keyword as this clearly shows visitors and crawlers what the link is about and therefore its relevance to a search term for example if I wanted to link Google I could do so by writing www.google.com/mapmaker Inc was about or if it was relevant unless you are already aware of the website a strong backlink will be a relevant descriptive keyword my example link would be far more successful if my anchor text was search engine your own website will be of good quality strong backlinks are not good to you if your website isn't helpful to visitors who arrive there ensure all of your web pages are easy to navigate and are filled with relevant keywords content and information even if a site receives a lot of visitors to it's home page if they're not finding what they need and are still clicking through to other pages on your site, this may also harm your search engine ranking knowing how to use backlinks to leverage your visibility in search the engine is a crucial element of SEO following what I've just said you can ensure you're making the most of your website's backlink profile there were a few good ways to make backlinks and the first one is to pay someone else to do it for you, for example, you can go to a website like Fiverr.com and search for backlinks and then all of these come up but you want to be aware of ones which will generate negative SEO like this one there will blast six hundred and sixty a thousand backlinks although it does say beware about the negative SEO so just make sure you look at what you're buying as that is very important another great SEO backlink tool is on small SEO tools calm and then you need to scroll down as you can see here to backlink tools and then you can click on backlink the maker just here and then all you need to do is paste in your URL or domain and then click make backlinks this particular backlink generator only generates high-quality back things for you so it doesn't generate any bad SEO as you can see if I paste in my domain and click make backlinks you will then see what is made for me here we go so, first of all, we have built with then we have validator and then we have huis and Alexa Alexa and just a lot more high-quality backlinks as you can see to scroll down adds about thirty-two there you go and that's all of them then as you scroll down you can see which ones have been finished and which ones haven't and you need just wait until they all say ok so that means they are all finished so yeah that is small SEO tools calm slash backlink - maker and that is absolutely great I recommend using or five up whichever you would rather use or both so yeah that's great and that's back things so thanks for watching thanks for listening I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learned a lot I'll see you in the next one goodbye. 

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