Publicity for branding and authority and sales

Publicity for branding and authority and sales

Lesson Details:
February 27, 2021

Video Transcription: Let's talk about how publicity will boost your branding and build you up as an authority this video is brought to you Appy Pie’s Academy all of which will help your sales so every marketing effort you're making now will get a boost because guess what happens let's say you're in any industry and people in the industry they follow the same Instagram accounts the same Twitter accounts the same influencers and if those influencers or those publications start mentioning you that raises buzz and awareness about your business what you're doing perfect because when you called call or called email or they see you for the first time let's say online they come across your product it's not the first time any longer you're in it's no longer a cold call every cold call every cold email becomes a warm called warm email because there's already a relationship there that's the beauty of it and the extra beauty of it is that endorsement that someone else praised you that goes a long way because guess what if you praise yourself you can say I'm so great look at me anyone can do that anyone can say I'm great but it takes another level of respect and appreciation for somebody else to say look at him or look at her they are great if your peer does that or a respected industry professional as that that endorsement goes a long way because they build a tremendous amount of extra trust that you just cannot get by you by you yourself saying I am so cool though I'm so great look at me.

So it's a different level of respect that you get and it opens the doors also for extra speaking gigs extra times you getting interviewed I can't say how many times I've been approached by podcasters or bloggers who said hey I heard you on another podcast I like what you have to say I seen your work elsewhere so some publicity begets next levels of publicity bigger levels of publicity so that also helps you a lot because you get the cycle of publicity getting publicity and more and more people in your industry get to know you and every touch point they have with you it's a one-to-many relationship meaning you don't know that people listening but they are building a relationship with you and so any time they come across your work later it's that much of a warmer relationship that you have with them also one huge benefit that we're gonna talk about later in the course and a little bit more depth but I just want to give you a little heads up publicity is going to give you a lot of help to your website's SEO if you're not aware SEO is search engine optimization and when the big blogs or big sites mention you usually they post a hyperlink from their site to your site and that actually positively affects your sites Google ranking meaning you'll rank higher what does that mean for you save money on not having to hire as your freelancers and you don't have to waste any time doing SEO because you're actually getting your SEO done through publicity and it's actually the best way to get your SEO done because sites that will mention you these new sites or industry sites they're usually very reputable so hyperlinks from them count very heavily towards your Google ranking so it's actually some of the best SEO that you can ever get and you sometimes can't even pay for such a CEO you like you can't hire a freelancer to get that for you so it's some of the best SEO as well and we'll touch on that a little later but now you see just how many benefits there are from doing from getting publicity  

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