Press Release Section Introduction

Press Release Section Introduction

Lesson Details:
February 27, 2021

Video Transcription: With this video let's begin the section of the course on press releases we're gonna cover how to write the press releases line by line I'll be walking you through that and how to send them out and we'll actually observe results this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy now this part of the course is actually taken from a separate course of mine I have a press release course but I put all that content here in this publicity course because so that you don't have to buy anything additional you get that content in this course as an extra for free but the one caveat is that it does use generic examples random companies random examples but the idea is that this is gonna be great for situations for businesses that warrant real attention from their uniqueness from being compelling if your business has that then you're gonna be able to get publicity so we're gonna walk through how to write a press release I'll be walking you through how to write it line by line I'll show you how to send it out and we're gonna observe results that actually come after only a couple of days three days in this case and I do want to state one caveat about the results following these methods you will get your press release republished by other websites but not all those websites are gonna be worthwhile good websites with good traffic the difference maker is how compelling is your press release if it's really compelling it's going to get picked up by other bigger publications if it's not compelling it's not gonna get picked up and so that part that part I cannot control for you but I will be showing you how to actually do and send out the press release and the compelling necessity  

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