Marketing for a podcast

Marketing for a podcast

Lesson Details:
February 27, 2021

Video Transcription: Let's talk about how you will promote your podcast and I'm gonna explain to you the main promotional marketing strategy for a podcast this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy and what you'll have to do is see whether that's something that's gonna make sense for you and that's how you're gonna be able to pull off with the amount of resources and a model to the effort that you want to put into it and it will inform whether this will be one of the elements which will inform whether the podcast is right for you right so here's how people do it there's two phase there is a phase of launch phase and then there's like the ongoing phase during the launch phase of a podcast you have to have like a burst of subscriptions so you email to your email list if you have an audience a big email list somewhere else where somebody is somewhere that engaged it's gonna do what you want them to do could be even like a big list of friends get them to download you know subscribe to your podcast and leave reviews reviews are going to be huge for you because what you want to do what happens is when podcasts launch they want to be on the new and noteworthy of iTunes okay when you are on new and noteworthy of iTunes you get a whole boost of other subscribers just from that from being on the new and you and word new new and noteworthy and it kind of helps you to jump up the rankings in the podcast over time once the whole like new note or you think guys down you can always be like in the featured podcast but that's a harder thing to get into because the featured podcasts are some of the top podcasts right so one of the things that really podcasters rely on is the SEO of podcasts right wherever you are looking for podcasts whether it's an app that lists the podcasts a player for you right on your phone or whether it's iTunes or anywhere else there's certain SEO element right let's say you want a comedy you want to listen to a comedy podcast your type comedy if you want to listen to a business podcast you typed business right or whatever other terms that you want so you have to think about for example let's say you have a comedy podcast well in comedy it's really hard to get exposure right because there are so many good comedy podcasts out there already so you want to do see what you want to do is niche down something that's of course you can stay within comedy but a niche within it so maybe dirty comedy or comedy for teenagers a company for adults or comedy for men for women you know you know x-rated the comedy not expert you know like whatever just something niche right so that when people make slightly longer tales or more focus searches that's where they will find you and you will have a chance to stand out and be number one or close to number one because just in the comedy there's like hundreds already of really popular comedy podcasts and you will be the bottom of that it would be very hard to get new listeners it will be a struggle right so you want to find that sweet spot of just enough and by the way when your podcast grows you know he grows and then all of a sudden you're gonna start climbing the rankings of the justa comedy keyword right and once you climb climb and it's good then of course you will get more downloads from that big keyword but in the beginning you have to have a sweet spot where to start because you're behind everyone else one day on day one year behind everybody else and that's the challenge and I see a lot of people struggle growing with growing a podcast in that they don't find a set of keywords for which they can rank that will get them the exposure so how do you do this well you have to identify the keywords that are right for your podcast topic and then write you know make you know you can add them to the title of the podcast the keyword field of the podcast and throughout the description of the podcast so that way you will at least position yourself well to rank for the podcast to rank within the podcast search so that people discover you okay and then of course the other way to promote your podcast is if you have if you have guests you want to get guests with good audience sizes so that when they tweet out or post on Facebook about your podcast you want them to get you some traffic as well so the more guests you have the more traffic you have from that extra social sharing but really the bulk of it is gonna be about discovery and about you ranking and having visibility in the iTunes Store and the iTunes Store is all about search in there and the recommendation algorithm right so people who like this podcast also like this podcast that kind of thing and in both search and the recommendation algorithm it's all about the number of the quality the reviews and you can manipulate reviews you can ask a lot of your listeners to give you reviews that's gonna be huge for you right if you can do that and also of course the quality of the podcast because they want iTunes like monitors are people subscribing or they are subscribing how many episodes are they watching all those things they monitor that and they rank podcasts accordingly to quality signals like that and of course the keywords you choose and over time you can change up your keywords to go more competitively and that's really the marketing strategy for your podcast if you want to go through all this if you think your podcast is gonna be you know competitive enough go for it right if you if you feel like you can get the reviews you can you know do the SEO then I think you know podcast and really spend the time doing all this right because what I explained just now it's a long process so you want to do this podcast may be right for you so those are just some things to think about whether to start to start one really  

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