How to write a press release Part 1

How to write a press release Part 1

Lesson Details:
February 27, 2021

Video Transcription: I'm going to show you how to write a press release this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy for anything in this case I'm gonna walk you through a press release that I wrote for my book and let me just tell you a little bit about my book so that you know what we were talking about here here is the listing of my group on Amazon it's basically a book on how to go from business idea to actually starting a business and it's based on research ideas of 300,000 entrepreneurs who have used my mobile apps in the past and so basically all the questions they were asked are answered in this book so if you know because the sample set is so big of so many entrepreneurs that I've researched chances are it addresses a lot of the issues that any new entrepreneur is going to have and any questions they might have it's going to be covered in this book so you know very high chance of that extremely comprehensive so now you understand and this really segues well into have any really press release because one of the most important things you should is in a press release is that it should be something interesting and noteworthy right so because I did so much research for this it's a little bit noteworthy and it's a unique angle at things right it's not just another group of how to start a business I mean there are a ton of these this one is quite unique because it's really based on research of three hundred thousand people which is quite big and also just the sake with just a little bit of a side point whenever you have any kind of statistics or anything that looked makes your work look more authoritative more backed by research that is much better so that whole 300,000 entrepreneurs thing it adds a lot of credibility to the title right so three search of 300,000 people it's not like you know going from your own experience it's quite substantial so anyway that's a little bit of a segue but what I want to mention is that what you have you have to whatever you're promoting there has to be some interesting concept interesting angle so that the potential reader of this press release who is a journalist it sort of catches their eye and so here the angle is I did a lot of research and you know incredible on a research really if you look at think about this number and you know it there's an association with mobile apps because the research was done from you of users of mobile app and mobile apps are you know still sort of like a hot and new and exciting thing so all that sort of adds to the uniqueness and you know interest level of the title of the press release and the press release title is an extremely important thing because most of the time it's the only thing people will see the title is the first thing people will see in a title makes people decide whether they were gonna look at more of the press release so the title has to sort of come out with a bang and you know this one you know you'd be the judge of whether it comes out with a bang here most comprehensive book on how to start a business based on research of 300,000 entrepreneurs I could have added entrepreneurs who used who used prep lenio calm apps for entrepreneurs you know it's getting a little bit of A to B it's getting to be a long title but you know these are all sorts of the kinds of things that they make the press release a little better and what happens when but let's say the journalists for example they'd be interested idle caught their eye well what you want to do is have a subtitle right so this is the this is the title and this is the subtitle of a press release it's sort of if the subtitle is supposed to be longer now but we made our title so long that it's about the same but the purpose of the subtitle is to reiterate and reinforce some of the interesting key points right so here actually it's interesting because see I do mention the abstract problem your business apps reached 300 downloads every thousand downloads packaged every questions and to premieres are asked and they face them answer them and it's most comprehensive book on how to start a business okay so that is supposed to so title is supposed to get the attention and the subtitle is supposed to reiterate the the point of the title make the reader a little bit more interested and the subtitle is seen only once a person clicks on the press release and the title may be seen independently and that would be the deciding factor of whether the journalist clicks on your press release or not to learn more about it so the title has to be incredibly attention-grabbing whereas the subtitle has to be kind of you know building interests on top of the initial title now let's get to the body of press release here you know here is the structure in the beginning city you want to mention where you're posting the press release they things like that right and then you start to get into the copy of the body of the the body of the press release a couple of points on the on the press release body you want to write it as a kind of a story write a lot a big part of it at least should be written as a story and you should have quotes in it so for example if you look at it carefully I have a few quotes here Alex says and by the way I wrote this press release but still you have to write it as though the journalist is kind of taking your interview because like it's just better because even the journalists can then copy and paste this right into a story right because the journalists are very busy and they don't always have time to write a unique story so the more you can just helped write a story for them the better so here I have a quote it makes the article look like the you know the are that the journalists journalists actually got in touch with me and interviewed me so here's a quote there's another quote somewhere in here yeah see here eyes like this you know Jared Enoch is my last name says the book Howard blah blah blah so the quote ends here it's like an entire quote and you kind.  

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