10 actionable ways to get press coverage

10 actionable ways to get press coverage

Lesson Details:
February 27, 2021

Video Transcription: Hi there so let me introduce for you to you ten strategies to get publicity this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy yes there are ten ways number one favorite way is probably simplest to understand there's um help a reporter calm it's basically often called Haro which is an acronym and basically what happens in his reporters there they write questions and they look for experts so for example I'm a business expert and an marketing expert and mobile app experts we have some journalist is writing a story and they need an expert and that journalist is not an expert and they need an expert you can volunteer to be an expert and answer questions they have and they might quote you in their story and link to your website which will give you recognition from the publication which they are writing so that's a very nice thing it also gives you a very nice link for SEO and I've used help a reporter out harro you know I've gotten link I've gotten mentioned in Mashable CBS News and many smaller sites that are still pretty big but just not as giant as those next if you have something noteworthy you might want to do a press release PR webcam or PR long calm are good sites from which to distribute the press releases they're the basic offering is free and then if you want extra bells and whistles it's also not too expensive and it generally can be pretty effective next is a actually I do want to mention that you want to have a good pitch before you before you really do a lot of you know press releases and things like that you want to have a really good pitch but I'll have more on that later in this video so next is see if any of your friends or peers you know business peers where they're getting their publicity if they are getting some publicity or some bloggers mentioning them or things like that or there are some podcast just ask them how they got on there ask for recommendation they might just help you so just like you may try to reach out you know get recommendations from friends why not build relationships with bloggers and journalists on your own and by the way I'm gonna continuously say bloggers journalists and podcasters so when I say journalists just pretend like I mean I'm saying all of those so what you want to do is find the journalists who are covering your niche right and then friend them on social media like Twitter maybe Facebook join the same groups and continue to sort of interact with them so that they kind of get to know you and and do this way before you need their help because once you need their help then you can reach out and it's not like a cold call it's not like a cold you know ask for help if they know you it's a warm reach out in a way and you'll be more likely to get help if you don't do what I suggest the number four you can do outreach to journalists directly by cold emailing and maybe offer them incentives sometimes it may be small payments sometimes it may be free samples of your product or sometimes it might be something else like helping them promote whatever they are promoting right so that works for me giving them kind of material incentive okay number six is radio guest luscom I love this website it's a it's a way to get on radio shows and podcasts I've gotten on maybe over 50 podcasts to date for sure just from this website every day they send you more podcasts or looking for guests and if you happen to fit it's relatively easy you get a high response rate from the podcasters who are looking for guests and is great see I like number seven because if you present at events you never know you might you know get some clients right from the audience but the cool thing is that there are journalists who may be sitting in the audience right bloggers journalists you know you never know who's sitting in the audience and as long as you make your pitch or your presentation really stand out and shine they'll be they'll like you know they might cover you you may also do number eight is something I did I reached out I literally looked at the top 100 iTunes podcasters for business and I emailed all of them one day and I got a pretty good response rate from a number of them and then got me guest appearances on their shows and some of them were pretty big and the big ones I still get exposure from to this day and that was like a year and a half ago so that that has actually worked really well for me and I've gotten a lot of secondary exposure because a lot of the other people a lot of the other journalists who listen to the podcast listen heard my episode and reached out to me to see if I would interview on their podcast so that really worked out really well one thing that you want to do is even before you really start to get publicity you want to reach it you want to position your brand and give it a story so that it really stands out so I'll give you an example in my case I was like the mobile app business entrepreneur guy right a lot of people they wrote books about entrepreneurship so they did other things about entrepreneurship but not many people tell apps because apps are hard to make and so I stood out and then just having apps didn't really stand out when I had hundreds of thousands of downloads that stood out ok so then my pitch was like hi I am so-and-so creator of the so such-and-such apps which have you know 300,000 downloads and at the top mobile apps in for super news well if you're an entrepreneur bloggers or journalists that would certainly and get a lot of your attend a lot of you know it would get attention and it didn't get a lot of attention from a lot of people which is how I got a lot of my publicity because it was different right so you want to position yourself in a slightly different way it does you don't have to make apps but some at least give yourself some angle so that it inspires curiosity ok number 10 you want to you could hire for you know a lot of people just simply hire agencies and PR professionals to help them get publicity now this is expensive and the cheap ones are probably not good the cheap ones are probably gonna get you really low-quality PR from low quality websites of publications so you really want to be careful here and only hire very reputable agencies and PR professionals and keep in mind that those will be the most expensive ones so publicity is actually expensive to buy if you buy it from a good expensive source that you can afford you can get really great results like you can get on TV you can really get you know mentioned and very top publications things like that but it costs money so if you're if you have that upper echelon budget like you know a PR professional will be will cost a few thousand dollars a month and a PR agency will cost may be closer to ten thousand dollars a month maybe over five thousand dollars a month if you have that budget to get publicity then it's worthwhile to think about and if you don't have that budget you might want to do the first nine and just see how that goes for you and what a publicity is actually if you know if it proves to give you the relevant good traffic so that those are my tips for how to get you know 10 tips for how to get publicity try some of them and I'd be glad to hear how one's for you.

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