Pricing paperback books

Pricing paperback books

Lesson Details:
August 19, 2020

Video Transcription: In this video I want to walk you through how to price a book that's a paperback book on Amazon this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy so we're gonna pick one of my books and we're going to go to pricing the first an immediate difference that you will see is that even though on the Kindle when you sell things on the Kindle let's say you keep 70% it doesn't matter what your price is if it's a 10 dollar book you keep 70% if it's a 5 dollar book and keep 70% that's not the case here because here with the paperback I'm Amazon is going to charge you for printing costs so if you have a low price you get to keep a smaller percentage because it within that price a bulk of that price is going to be for shipping and that's really not for shipping for printing so the higher you place the price of your book the more percent the bigger percentage you'll actually get to keep out of that price so pricing higher is actually gonna put more money in your pocket disproportionately more money in your pocket because pricing higher on Kindle puts proportionally more money in your pocket here you put a you get a little more every time you increase prices of course you don't want to increase prices that that's gonna price you out of your range but also you don't want to keep prices too low because it's gonna suggest to people that the value of your book is not good and remember that the total dollar sold is a very important metric so it's not that bad to keep prices low well to keep prices middle in the medium range or higher in the mid to long term in the beginning you can price low just to boost your sales because if you have no sales you need a cheap price to boost the sales but eventually you want to have a reasonable price this is like let's say I'm still on it's not a low-end price but it's mid low and or mid and price for this book and you see that even for this price I get to keep like five dollars and 19 cents per copy so it's not amazing revenue is certainly not anywhere near the 70% it's less than 50% but still now just for our example sake let's say it was 99 in 1999 we can calculate how much revenue we would keep so we'll calculate it and it's almost 50% so you see it's it catches up we don't want to do that and of course you want to just make sure that your pounds and your euro prices are close to what your dollar prices are I'm not gonna save this of course because I don't to change the pricing of my book but that's what you should do so this is what you keep in mind the higher you you price your book the higher your take-home revenue will be but also your total sales you'll you'll get to make more money as the some sales for your book and that's actually gonna influence the Amazon recommendation algorithm positively in your favor just make sure that you can still generate sales with whatever price you choose so just don't price your book way way way out of what the market rate for the kind of book that you have is.

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