How to deal with hagglers and people who want a deal

How to deal with hagglers and people who want a deal

Lesson Details:
August 19, 2020

Video Transcription: In this video let's talk about how to deal with Hagler's Hagler's are different from negotiating okay this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy negotiating is something fair you should never be ashamed about it it's part of business haggling our people these are people who wear you down on price just keep on asking keep on asking inch by inch centimeter by centimeter they just nag you down ask for this ask for that the negotiation takes forever they waste your time and most of the time guess what they don't even buy but they're like well you know this is not as good as I want it so can you bring down the price and then now that is not as good and that competitor has something better so can you bring the price down again you know at some point there's a there's there's a gray area and a thin line between being a professional person who's negotiating that's totally fine and someone who's a Hagler who just wants to take advantage of you and doesn't doesn't care that about the work that you do and the business that you run so you can entertain them for a little bit you can offer lower packages or value to them you can you know just go down in price with them but it accordingly take out a lot of the things you'll be giving them okay so that's fine there's some point until you can do that at some point he just is just gonna be a waste of time to keep talking to them so in a way he's gonna be detrimental to you they'll bring down the price so low that there's no profit in it for you and you'll be like the time you spend with them is time you could be doing something else that's more worthwhile with your business so you want to minimize that time so you just want to say no and you you won't believe me when I tell you this but there are let's say in every business if you think of a bell curve the bottom 5% of the clients or the bottom 1% of the clients they are worse across the board meaning usually the people who haggle sometimes the people who are the same people who review the bad reviews are unhappy with your product or service they complain complain they can never get enough for their value they always second-guess you they want so much for the little that they pay maybe understandably so because maybe they don't have a lot of money but they turn out to be the most time wasting customers that you might have they might end up getting a refund they might hurt your business by leaving a bad review you just don't want them and legitimately it might sound like a little bit far-fetched but this these are the people that at some point maybe not in the beginning of your business but at some point of your business you'll develop a sense of smell in a sense you'll be developed like a sixth sense you'll be able to tell who are the kinds of people who are gonna become such bad customers and those customers you just say hey you know I can't take on any more clients but I know that this business is taking on more clients and you literally send them to your competitor but this is only maybe the bottom 1% of your clients that you want to do this with and it's it's almost a little bit too sarcastic to like you you know unbelievable for me to say that but and it's hard to do right it's kind of turn away a client and actually send them to a competitor but you can do that for the very very very bottom the worst ok clients now if you want to make the deal and they're haggling you down and they're asking for more and they're wanna pay less there are things you can ask for in exchange sometimes I ask for the following depending of course on what the product product or service is I ask them sometimes they can help me with some labor it's not uncommon because I'm like I'm a solopreneur and you know I don't have that many resources and there are some things that I need help with every once in a while the easy that are easy easy to do for someone else or maybe that I know that some person has certain expertise in some area so may ask for some labor in return and I can then ask for less cash but then I can ask for a lot more labor or I can ask for promotion in return sometimes the promotion is then promoting on social media sometimes they they have a website they can link to me or sometimes they might leave a nice review or anything else that you currently need in your business if they keep asking for stuff and asking for stuff and asking for stuff then you just tell them okay I'll come down on the price but you have to do this and this and this for me and if they complain like oh my god you're making me do too much then you tell them hey I'm giving you an amazing discount that's why you know that's why I need you to do this and that's the argument that most people will appreciate some people you know they're not good they're not great because they want cheap price and they don't want to help you those are good those are good potential people to sell to send to your competitors of course but most people will understand hey I'm getting a good price I need to help this part you this person who's giving me the good price in some way and then you can ask for a l.ot of things sometimes even things that are more valuable than just cash maybe more labor than the cash would have bought or something like that so these are my tips to deal with Hagler's and you see that there are three strategies one is to not deal with them one is to negotiate to some degree and one is to ask for things literally in return.

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