Strategy for getting views from the YouTube recommendation algorithm | marketing | Appy Pie Academy

Strategies For Getting Views From The Youtube Recommendation Algorithm

Lesson Details:
July 30, 2020

I: Introduction

A: Make money with affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to monetize content on youtube, but it's also a powerful way to get views from the youtube recommendation algorithm.

The core concept in affiliate marketing involves finding products that you like and then promoting them for a commission in return.

I: Body

A: Strategy for getting views from the youtube recommendation algorithm

The strategy for getting views from the youtube recommendation algorithm is pretty simple:

Create a channel related to the product (e.g., a review channel about the product or a channel about another product in the same niche) Add some videos to the channel (ideally, make the videos good) Link back to the product in each video (use annotations, end screens, playlists, etc.)

There are a few things that can be confusing about this strategy:

What if I don't have a channel related to the product?

I recommend creating a channel related to the product because it makes it easier to rank in the youtube recommendation algorithm and because it's more likely that people will watch your videos. You can create a channel by simply uploading a video about the product and linking to the product in the description. That way you'll be able to add all of your affiliate links in one place.

What if I don't want to link to the product in every video?

You don't have to do this, but I strongly recommend it because it works. If some of your videos are not about the product you're promoting, link to related products instead. For example, if you're promoting dog toys, you could link to other dog-related products in your dog toy video. The important thing is that you always link back to your product if possible.

What if I want viewers to subscribe to my main channel before they see my new affiliate channel?

That's fine, but it's better if you can show viewers an actual video about the product on your affiliate channel instead of just asking them to subscribe. If you really want them to subscribe, ask them to subscribe after they've watched a video.

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