This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our Academy series number 53 how a single person will allow you to achieve everything faster now who is this one person now how do we get a hold of them how can we talk to this person is it a guru is it a Zen master on the top of a mountain that's actually someone who's been there and done that it's a mentor so we're looking to talk to and get mentorship through somebody who's where we want to be they've been there they've done that they know what we're going through they can show us the quickest fastest most efficient path to where we get and want to be now a lot of people ask at this point how do I find a mentor it's actually pretty simple we're going to go through walk you through the steps of finding a mentor here so I'm on my LinkedIn profile here this is where it's a great way to find a mentor so let's say you are looking for a social media marketer social media marketing social media marketer if you're looking for a mentor this is a great way to start cuz they're on LinkedIn they have some sort of presence you can look through their profile and find out you know how much of experience they have whether they'd be good to help you good to mentor you let's go let's go to page nice a lot of these people I know okay and it's best if they're either a third degree connection or you have some sort of connection to them so it makes it easier to get a hold of them with the second degree I believe that's more powerful okay so let's go to a third degree so Don rice let's see okay this is her so if you look through her everything it looks like she is good she is where you want to be most importantly that she can help you and then he can send her in mail or find her contact information and get ahold of her through that you know she has a Twitter she has a website should be pretty straightforward to get ahold of her but it's that simple I don't stick with just one mentor or don't reach out to one person only reach out to a couple people one of them might not respond or they're too busy don't take it personally but reach out with them with a nice message hey I notice your website looks good I'm looking to find a mentor in this area it's as simple as that no need to make it more difficult or complicated.
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