Source Code lesson 2-4

Lesson Details:
October 21, 2020

I: Introduction

Today, we live in a world where everyone needs to know how to use technology for their work and also for their personal life. In the past, people were so busy with work and home that they didn’t have time to learn how to work with computers. Now, the situation has changed. People around the world need to learn computer skills in order to survive in this new digital era.

One of the most popular and in-demand programming languages is JavaScript. This language is used in creating websites, applications and even operating systems. It has created a whole new potential for internet users and developers.

Since the birth of JavaScript in 1995, it has been used by thousands of web developers worldwide to create dynamic web apps and sites. As a result, today we can see many different types of these applications and sites on the internet.

Web development is a vast subject and there are several parts of it such as:

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) – used for displaying content and defining the structure of the page; CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) -used to define the look and layout of the site; JavaScript – used to add interactivity and responsiveness; PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) – used for server-side scripting; Ruby on Rails -used for rapid application development; Python – used for web development.

HTML itself is a markup language that divides up text into segments which can be used for specific purposes. A webpage consists of simple text, images, videos, links, forms, tables, etc. HTML elements can easily be identified from the code in a web page because they begin with a letter in lowercase followed by a forward slash, then a name in uppercase letters preceded by a colon, then a set of instructions enclosed in brackets {} with semi-colons at each end, lasting until another element begins.

CSS is a style sheet language that determines how a webpage looks. It defines all the properties of an HTML element such as font type, color, size, position, borders, background colors, layout of content, etc. CSS can be applied to any HTML element by adding a class or an ID to it. The class is the identifier of a style sheet that applies to a group of elements while ID is a unique identifier that applies only to one particular element. There are three different ways to apply CSS: inline styles, internal stylesheets and external CSS files.

Websites created with HTML and CSS files don’t have any user interaction features such as scrolling, clicking on links and buttons, zooming in on images and playing videos. These interactions can be added using CSS3 and HTML5.

JavaScript is an interpreted programming language which adds interactivity and dynamics to HTML pages. With JavaScript you can add more interactive elements such as dropdown menus, video players and other cool things to your website and improve its functionality and appearance by using animations and transitions.

JavaScript can be used within HTML code using [removed] tags or in external files (.js). It is often used by designers who want to add interactive elements to their sites without writing lots of code. However, JavaScript can also be used by experienced programmers who know how to use it properly. There are two main types of [removed] client-side and server-side scripts. Client-side scripts run on the browser while server-side scripts run on the server side before sending data back to the browser. Another type of scripts is called jQuery which is used more often than other scripting languages since it is easier and faster than usual JavaScript coding.

Javascript is an extremely popular language that has gained popularity due to its simplicity and ease of use among newbie programmers. When beginners program in JavaScript they often make mistakes which cause the script not to work perfectly or even break down completely when encountering errors in code or when there are syntax errors in the code. That’s why you should take an online course about JavaScript to become familiar with its syntax rules and learn how to write good code when working with this programming language.

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