JavaScript Objects Tutorials

JavaScript Objects

Lesson Details:
October 21, 2020

I: Introduction

A: Introduction to Web Development

B: List of all required skills (Languages, Databases, Frameworks)

II: Body

A: Javascript

III: Conclusion

A: Conclusion

B: References

I: Introduction

I am an engineer in the field of web development, I’ve been working with HTML since 1998.

Currently, I work full time as a front-end developer for a Fortune 500 company, while I continue my education at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. I work with all major browsers and platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS).

Currently, I’m enrolled in a computer science program and I’m taking courses on various topics such as: Algorithms and Data Structures, Computer Graphics and Animation, Operating Systems, Software Engineering and Networks. I would like to share my knowledge with those who are interested in the field.

II: Body

A: Javascript Course (Introduction to Programming Using Java):

The course is designed for those who have little or no experience with programming. It starts from the basics of what programming is all about and then slowly moves into more complex concepts such as working with objects and classes, and using external libraries.

Basic Concepts: Values and Types, Operators and Expressions, Control Structures, Methods and Classes.

Advanced Concepts: Object Oriented Programming, Events and Event Handling, Functions and Scope, Exceptions and Error Handling, Collections and Strings.

Design Patterns: Factory Method Pattern, Singleton Pattern, Observer Pattern, Command Pattern.

Building Web Applications with [removed] Single Page Application (SPA), Server Side Rendering (SSR), NodeJS.

B: Javascript Objects:

Variables – Declaring and assigning values to variables, Initializing variables. Primitive data types – Number, Boolean, string and null. Arrays – Creating arrays and accessing elements. Objects – Creating objects and accessing properties and methods. Function – Creating functions with parameters and returning values. Date – Getting current date and time. Math – Basic math operations. Array – Accessing array elements by index or name. String – Accessing string length and extracting substrings. JSON – Parsing JSON objects into Javascript object. Regular Expressions – Working with regular expressions. Enumeration – Working with the typeof operator. Inheritance – Creating new classes from existing classes. Polymorphism – Overloading methods in a class hierarchy. Interfaces – Creating interfaces using prototypes. Cloning – Creating copies of objects using the clone method. Ajax – Making asynchronous HTTP requests using XMLHttpRequest(). Debugging – Debugging applications using console.log() function. Cryptography – Encryption and decryption using Rijndael algorithm. NodeJS – Overview of NodeJS server-side environment. AJAX – Making asynchronous HTTP requests using XMLHttpRequest(). CSS3 – Introduction to CSS3 properties and selectors. Canvas – Drawing graphics on a canvas element using the drawImage() method of the Canvas context object. Forms – Form validation using client-side scripting; using script tags; using jquery; using nested forms; using autocomplete feature; using file uploads; using drag-and-drop; using checkboxes; using radio buttons; using date pickers; using multiple-part questionnaires; using image uploads; using text area; using dropdowns; using input selection lists; using slider; using progress bars; sending date picker data to the server; sending location data to the server; sending images to the server; sending files to the server; sending images to the server; sending files to the server; receiving images from the server; receiving files from the server; receiving date-picker data from the server; receiving location data from the server; client-side form validation; client-side image uploads; client-side file uploads; client-side date-picker data persistence; client-side location data persistence; client-side image uploads persistence; client-side file uploads persistence; client-side progress bar animation persistence; client-side slider persistence; client-side dropdown persistence; client-side checkbox persistence; client-side radio button persistence; client-side nested form persistence; client-side autocomplete persistence. Local storage – Persisting data on the client side using HTML5 localStorage property or IndexedDB databases. Cookies – Storing information on the user’s computer using cookies. Testing Frameworks – Karma test runner for unit testing JS code in NodeJS environments. ES6/ES2015/ES8/ES2018/ESNext/ECMAScript7/ECMAScript8/ECMAScript9/ECMAScript10/ECMAScript11/ECMAScript12+/ECMAScript14/ECMAScript15/ECMAScript16+/ECMAScript17+/ECMAScript18+/ECMAScript19+/ECMAScript20+ - Overview of ES6 features including Classes, Modules, Promises, Generators, Arrow Functions, Spread Operator (+), Destructuring Assignment (=), Block-Scoped Variables (=), Template Strings (=), Unicode Code Points (<>, <>, <>, <>), Symbols (=), Spread Operator (+), Enhanced Object Literals (=), for..of Loop (=), Rest Parameters (=), Async Functions (=), Classes (=), Generators (=), Promise (=), Modules (=), Sets (=), Maps (=), Proxies (=), Symbols (=), Destructuring Assignment (=), Rest Parameters (=), Async Functions (=), Classes (=), Generators (=), Promise (=). Redux - Overview of Redux architecture pattern. Post Processing - Overview of Post Processing plugins such as Babel Compiler Plugin ( , Code Minifier Plugin ( , UglifyJS2 ( etc. Database Management Systems (DBMS): Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) - Using SQLite in NodeJS environment - Using SQLite in Python environment - Using SQLite in PHP environment - Using SQLite in node-webkit environment - Using SQLite in Xamarin environment - Using SQLite in Android environment - Using SQLite in iOS environment - Using SQLite in Windows Phone 8 environment NoSQL Database Management Systems (NoSQL DBMS) - Overview of NoSQL databases such as MongoDB (MongoDB ( ), Redis (Redis ( ) etc. Frameworks: Client Side Frameworks - Overview of jQuery framework (jQuery ( ), AngularJS framework (AngularJS ( ), BackboneJS framework (BackboneJS ( ), KnockoutJS framework (KnockoutJS ( ) etc Server Side Frameworks - Overview of Express framework (NodeJS Express Framework ( ). Content Delivery Network (CDN) - Overview of CloudFront CDN services by Amazon Web Services Inc. (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net (.net .xyz .ws .academy .club .cool .info .in .me .co .biz .name Blogging Platforms - Overview of blog platforms such as Tumblr (Tumblr ( ), WordPress Blogging Platform (WordPress Blogging Platform( ) etc Content Management Systems - Overview of content management systems such as Drupal CMS (Drupal CMS ( ) etc Collaborative Editing Platforms - Overview of collaborative editing platforms such as Google Docs Collaborative Editing Platforms (Google Docs Collaborative Editing Platforms( ) etc Content Management Systems - Overview of content management systems such as Drupal CMS (Drupal CMS( etc Computational Linguistics - Overview of Computational Linguistics algorithms such as Naive Bayes Algorithm (Naive Bayes Algorithm( ), Hidden

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