Basics of lambda functions

Basics of lambda functions

Lesson Details:
June 29, 2020

I: Introduction

A: Python is one of the most preferred programming languages for web development. It has many more uses, like scripting and data science. According to Stack Overflow’s 2017 Developer Survey, it is the second most popular language overall (behind JavaScript).

II: Body

A: The very first thing you should learn about Python is that it is not case-sensitive. Thus, the following two lines are equivalent: print('Hello world') #print('hello world')

B: Python’s syntax is comparatively simple. While writing programs in Java or C++, you need to deal with curly braces, semicolons, etc. But Python doesn’t require any of these things.

C: To begin with, create a file called “” and save it on your desktop. Now open this file on your editor and write the following code on it.

print("Hello World") # Output is Hello World

D: Functions are one of the most important concepts of python programming. Functions are basically blocks of code that perform some task when called. A function can be defined by using the keyword “def” followed by the function name. It can be passed zero or more arguments and it can return zero or more values.

E: You can define a function inside another function or outside of any function. This is known as anonymous functions which are defined without a name. We will see how to use lambda functions in python programming.

I: Introduction

A: Learning how to program requires a lot of time, effort, dedication, and patience. These are just four of the many reasons why people give up on learning how to program before they even start. If you are looking for an alternative way to learn how to program, then you have come to the right place! In this article, I will teach you how to learn programming with no prior experience using Python. This way you don’t have to spend months learning how to program before you can actually start programming! We will start with the basics of the Python programming language, so be sure to follow along step by step if you want to learn how to program with no prior experience!

II: Body

A: Like most programming languages, Python has several keywords that you must know if you want to learn how to program with no prior experience! The first thing we should cover is booleans. A boolean value can be either True or False. They are used everywhere in programming and you will not be able to do anything without them!

B: Next up we have variables which are like little boxes where we can store values. When we introduce a variable into our program we must give it a name and we can then use that name whenever we want to refer to that value! We will also cover how to change values as well as how to print them out so we can see what they contain!

C: There are many different data types in Python and each type has different rules as to what you can do with it! The first data type we will look at is integers which are whole numbers like 1, 2 and 3! Integers can also be negative and we can use the modulus operator (%) to find the remainder when we divide an integer by another integer!

D: Floating point numbers are what we call real numbers and we write them just like we would write an integer but we need a decimal point! Floating point numbers can also be negative and positive and they may also have a fractional part after the decimal point! There is another data type called strings which is used for storing text! Strings always begin and end with quotation marks but there are other ways we can format strings as well! For example, we can use a string formatting method called “f-strings” which allows us to insert variables into a string! We can also concatenate strings together using the “+” operator!

E: The next data type is lists which are pretty much exactly what they sound like! They are lists of values that can be accessed by their index number as opposed to by their names as is the case with strings. There are many ways we can create lists in Python but one of the most common methods is by putting values between square brackets separated by commas. We can retrieve these values from lists by referring to their index number just as we would refer to a value in a list using its name in a string! That being said, retrieving a value from a list using its index number is not as efficient as retrieving a value from a list using its name because Python has to search through all of the numbers in the list until it finds the correct one! We will use lists throughout this article because they are extremely useful for storing data!

F: The last data type that I will cover in this article is sets which are similar to lists but they cannot hold duplicate values while lists allow us to store duplicate values. We will not be covering sets in this article because they are not commonly used in Python! Instead, I will explain them more in-depth in future articles about Python so be sure to stay tuned for more on sets! With that said, let’s get back on track and talk about something else related to sets! We learned about sets earlier when I told you that they were similar to lists but cannot hold duplicate values while lists allow us to store duplicate values! That means that if we store some values in a set then try to add another value that already exists in the set then Python will throw an exception (also called an error) telling us that it cannot find the value because it already exists in the set! This is called set theory and it is very important in mathematics but it does not apply very often when using Python because Python allows us to store duplicate values in lists! However, there are exceptions like when we want to store keys (values) in dictionaries (which will be explained later)! Set theory is beyond the scope of this article but I wanted to mention it here just so you know that there is more to sets than just being similar to lists but cannot hold duplicate values while lists allow us to store duplicate values!

III: Conclusion

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