Learn Online Why Instagram is Important for Business for Free

Why use Instagram to grow your Brand, Products & Services

Lesson Details:
January 20, 2020

Video Transcription: This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our Academy series.

Why should you use Instagram to grow your brand or business well the fact that Instagram has over 300 million daily active users is a huge huge point to start with Instagram has an insanely huge potential for marketers but the potential and Instagram lies more in the user behavior than the numbers themselves Instagram is love to connect with brands research shows that brands enjoy several distinct benefits and advantages on this social network Instagram brands enjoy regular engagement with four percent of their total followers on networks like Facebook and Twitter engagement is less than 0.1% research shows that over 70%of Instagram users have searched for brand or business on the platform sixty-two percent of users follow a brand or business on Instagram only 36percent of marketers use Instagramcompared to the 93 percent of marketers who use Facebook so get in there now and start before everyone else social media has been proven to influence purchase decisions and if you can find the right mix of content your audience will soak it up and possibly even buy from you without the need of an insane sales pitch this is the marketers the dream still need convincing the numbers and research above all sound great but what are marketers the main people who use Instagram to drive sales to their business saying about the platform here's what marketers from brands like Birchbox and Ben & Jerry'shave to say about the platform since its launch Instagram has provided us with an amazing platform to connect with our fans and tell our story visually digital marketing manager of Ben and Jerry'sInstagram has been an incredibly effective engagement driver among our current customers that was from the director social marketing and content strategy at Birchbox so yeah there you can see it now you know that it is perfect for brands and businesses to join Instagram to promote their products and services that's that that's all I have to say for this video thanks for watching thanks for listening and I'll see you in the next one goodbye.

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