I: Introduction
This is the first paragraph of your article. You are writing this to introduce yourself and your topic. I have started with a quote from the person who inspired me to write this article. It might be good to have a short introduction about yourself here, just to give some context for your reader about why you are writing the article. I have moved on to the main body of my article now.
II: Body
The first sub-heading to go into detail about influencer marketing is “influencer marketing to sell on amazon”. The first sentence here contains an idea that I intend to explore in this sub-section. I have used this sentence to show how influencer marketing can be used to sell on Amazon. I have then gone onto give some examples of influencers that can be used to promote your product/service on Amazon. I have chosen to use the example of “Saffron Barker” as she is an influencer that I like and think could work well with one of my clients (a small business who sell laundry products). The next sub-heading is “showing initial link tracking analytics”. This sub-heading connects back to the title of my article so it makes sense to put it here. I have put this sub-section under the sub-heading “influencer marketing to sell on amazon” because I looked into how successful this strategy was when promoting the content online. Here, I have shown that it helped my client gain more traffic and improve their ranking on Amazon.
III: Conclusion
The last sub-heading is “Conclusion”. This is where you can sum up what you have discussed in your article. You may want to add a quote or a final piece of advice at this stage that does not fit into any of the other sections of your article. I have written a conclusion based around the fact that people should be aware of how influential social media has become in modern society and they should use it to the benefit of their businesses. I had decided to add a quote from Will Smith at the beginning of my article so I thought it would be fun to have him be the last person I quoted, even though he said different things!
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and found some useful tips on how to create a great outline for a business article. If you did find this post useful then please do share it with your friends and family!
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