Socialblade for tracking influencer growth

Socialblade for tracking influencer growth

Lesson Details:
March 19, 2020

Video Transcription: Now I want to introduce you to a really helpful website for looking up influencers and yourself actually this video is brought to you by Appy Pie Academy it's and you can see all the platforms there on which their active YouTube twitch Facebook Instagram Twitter the major ones and let's see you can look up anyone and let's say we look at me and of course I know my stats but let's say you wanted to look up anyone else some influencer that you are researching you can get some ideas of how they are doing taking all metrics into account they gave me a C+ which is I guess not the worst thing in the world - do you see my subscriber rank video view rank do they give all these metrics and how well I'm doing some of these are estimates like the earnings are actually on the low end I make more than that I don't know why they're making an error but you kind of see statistics and you can get a lot of information about different accounts to see which ones you might want to work with as opposed to which other ones so that this is so this is a good research tool they also have a part of the site that has a community and apart of the site can actually help you get promoted now I'm looking at it as somebody who is not logged in so anyone can use it can use this to lookup influencers so if you're not sure about an influencer to try to look this up here it's just a helpful tool it's free but you can also log in and I'm gonna show you my logged-in dashboard this is my logged-in dashboard one thing that's interesting here is the community discord you will have to make a separate the account just to be able to chat there but it's actually helpful because you get to chat with the community exchanged a few tips maybe people will help you with your questions maybe some people will give you advanced tips it's a good community to join and if you navigate through the settings you can see this is your dashboard on the left side you have some options that they can help you with you can get advanced reports you can also have look at their products and services and what's interesting is there Premium Membership obviously they also can help you manage your channel and they have consulted so if you really need the help they'll give you options for that and they have experts working on staff but for the Premium Membership you don't have to get this it's totally optional but they'll also help you promote a little bit so they give you some promotion if you want direct promotion for your channel but I would recommend that you just use the free option for looking up influencers and get a little bit of extra information about the influencers you're researching

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