Bonus lecture: A FREE 30 minute

Bonus lecture A FREE 30 minute skype consultation and video script review 

Lesson Details:
March 20, 2020

Video Transcription: Hi and thank you for completing I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed putting it together, This video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy, and as a thank you I'd like to give you a full free 30 minute Skype consultation to help you with your scriptwriting at the end of this video you'll see full instructions of how to claim that Burness so follow it to the end and I'll talk to you on skype soon once you arrive on my website video script Factory I'd like you to good on the screen and click on this red button here that will take you to this page once you're on this page I'd like you to add your email address and your name and then in this section here I want you to write Burness and then I'd like to write my skype ID is and then fill in your skype ID and that way I can get in touch with you now if you'd like me to review the scripts that you've worked on already.

You can send one to me by adding a file here so just click Add file this will accept where documents and PDFs so a click Add file and then just upload the file when you click Submit or if you don't have a Skype ID or any way of communicating with me that's free online then you can just mention that here and upload a file and I'll correspond with you via the email that you've put in here and it's as simple as that so a 30 minute Skype call for free and a review of your script that's the bonus that you get into do in this lecture I'm really looking forward to seeing what you've all created and excited and can't wait to start getting those messages thank you for taking my course and good luck with the future thank you.

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