Napoleon Hill principle 7

Napoleon Hill principle 7

Lesson Details:
March 03, 2020

Video Transcription: Let's get into principle number seven of napoleon hill's principle of success and vadas he saw that most successful people were good and fast decision makers so if you are spending too much time in the planning is great but spending too much time in planning that's a yellow flag that's a warning sign and you've got to defeat procrastination with decisiveness you got to cut through the project procrastination with decisiveness those who know what they want to go after it and tend to get what they want there's a sound somewhat of a controversial and not always a correct wisdom in here but it tends to work making a bad decision is often better than not making a decision at all getting into something ploughing into a business completely blindly yeah it's bad but over planning is also bad than if you over plan you never start so somewhere in there you've got a start even if your plan is not a hundred per cent perfect in the startup world that's also true the wisdom is launched early improve rapidly of course so you got a launch and that decision-making is something we're gonna tackle in the next video with some practical advice.

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