Napoleon Hill principle 12 theory and action

Napoleon Hill principle 12 theory and action

Lesson Details:
March 03, 2020

Video Transcription: With this video we're gonna get into principle 12 of Napoleon Hills keys to success and in this video I'm gonna combine the theoretical step with the actionable into one video because it's a little bit repetitive so I don't want to spend too much time on it and the reason it's repetitive is because Napoleon Hill didn't think it's that repetitive because he thought he had new ideas because what he was suggesting is to associate it with smart people but it was from a different perspective he had this science of his time I guess and the point in this principle is that the brain is a transmitter and receiver of thought vibrations which is kind of gibberish to a modern person but it does mean something if we just dig a little bit deeper into it let's get into the actionable step and I'll talk about what it really means and how to approach it so it's not exactly masterminds it's not exactly the association with smart people that we've covered it's very closely related but it's not quite the same thing so the actionable step is essentially the brain storming of something in small groups so sitting down and brainstorming some idea getting deeper into it with a small group that's what's meant by this step and today you have many things you can do meetups conferences even the Internet you don't have to be physically there transmitting you know funny waves to people right from your brain so that's the thing today and what I would encourage you is if you don't see a good suitable meetup or group in your area start your own meetup seek your own groups that you can run into which you'll allow the people with whom you have good chemistry for brainstorming with really diving deep into issues and just to sum it up all it is is you sit down with a small group of people and you that work together to solve a problem intense focus for a long time not super long but prolonged like one hour two hours three hours maybe and smart people together singularly focused that's what the step is so that's what I'd encourage you to look so I tried to keep this principle of success a little shorter than the others so let's move on.

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