Video Transcription: The first principle in napoleon hill's key to success that Andrew Carnegie told him about and the other millionaires told him about was wanting it bad enough anyone can say sure I'd like some wealth I'd like to be rich of course but the journey for most people will take over their life so it can't be a wish it can be a hope it can't be just a nice to have additional thing in their life most millionaires that he interviewed obsessed about wealth and really made it their life's goal now for you I don't know that if that's really what you want to do you might have other things you want to do with your life but the truth is that you will need to have a singular focus or a very narrow focus to achieve tremendous goals in life whether it's wealth whether it's something else in picking those goals that's almost the art of living the art of your life's work if you pick the wrong goals very bad if you pick the right goals it will be fulfilling even if you're not materially wealthy but in this case for the millionaires that obsession with wealth and that very narrow nearly singular focus on wealth was precisely the first principle that got them there.
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