Company stage section of the business plan 

Company stage section of the business plan 

Lesson Details:
March 03, 2020

Video Transcription: Now let me give you an example of you know the state the part of the business plan that talks about the company progress and it's a very brief section of the business plan in my case I say when it was founded so that the person knows hey is this like is this guy a dreamer or has he already started like easy easy not easy these are the numbers real or no and you know I talked about this growth year over year in the beginning I talked about the slowdown in growth last year due to situation on iPhone on Android and lack of growth on iPhone next year focusing on iphone growth right that's so this is the reader gets a sense of what the word the business really is at the moment I have over a million downloads and because of privacy I don't really disclose my finances so I gave this relatively round number as revenue last year so that the personal hates a real business and that's really if you know there's no magic here I think if you want to impress someone I think you you then you want to really you know make these numbers look more attractive I would kind of you know this part where the business growth slowed down its the business is still growing it just the rate of growth has slowed and you want to maybe make that look a little nicer and make it look like next year it's gonna get back on track and all that sort of stuff and maybe to do that you could talk about the growth of the actual market so the actual opportunity would become so much bigger and so there will be more room to grow and you'll catch up all that stuff so you can dress it up but if you're just planning for yourself or you know then you don't need to really dress it up then you don't even really need the section if it's for yourself this is really for another reader so give them clarity on where you are and it's really simple so that's it for the section.

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