Spoken Versus Written Communication

Introduction To Call Communication

Lesson Details:
May 22, 2021

I: Introduction

Work from home is very important in order to help people spend more time with their family. It helps them to have a good quality of life. This is the reason why it is very important that all people are able to work from home.

II: Body

One of the primary reasons why it is very important that people are able to work from home is because they can spend more time with their family. It is very hard for some people to leave their family and go to work everyday. Some people even go through depression when they are separated from their family. But if people are able to work from home, they can spend more time with their family. If you stay at home, you will be able to make sure that your children will get satisfied with their schoolwork. Being at home also gives you the opportunity to spend time with your spouse. A good relationship with your spouse is very important in order to live an excellent life. Children learn a lot from their parents. So it is important that they spend more time with their parents at home. They will be able to learn how to talk to others and how to behave properly during their early childhood.

Another reason why it is very important that people are able to work from home is because of the amount of money they can save. Some people would rather work for themselves than working for other employers. When you work for yourself, you will be able to save more money than if you worked for another employer. Your employer will not pay for all of your expenses. You will be paying for some of your expenses yourself. On the other hand, if you work for yourself, you will not have to pay for any expenses except the internet connection and the transportation fee that you need in order to go to work.

III: Conclusion

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that it is very important that everyone should be able to work from home in order to give them a better quality of life.

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