Reasons why Working from Bed Isn't a Good Idea

Working in bed vs. desk? Secondary work areas & matching tasks to environment

Lesson Details:
May 22, 2021

I: Introduction

A: How to work from home productively

The working from home has become a popular trend in many big companies. Although it seems like a very good and attractive opportunity to earn extra income and to bring more work home, it can actually reduce your productivity and lead to a lot of problems. It is very easy to get distracted when you work from home and that’s why you need to change the way you work if you want to be more productive.

II: Body

A: Working in bed vs. desk? secondary work areas & matching tasks to environment

You should try to create an office space in your house where you will work. This is not a place where you will spend most of the time but it will make you more productive and help you focus on your job and avoid distractions. If you don’t have any extra room in your house, you can use a small area like a bathroom or a kitchen table. The main thing is that you have to have a designated place for work and avoid distractions from TV, Internet, family members and friends.

B: Secondary work areas & matching tasks to environment

It is very important that you choose an appropriate working environment for each task that you have to do. For example, it makes no sense to write a blog article in a noisy environment. Choose a place where you can concentrate on your work and avoid distractions. It is also important to match the tasks with the environment so that you can be more productive. If you have a lot of paperwork or data entry work it makes much more sense to work in your bedroom where there is no noise from the TV or from the other family members who are talking in the living room. On the other hand, if you have something creative or crafty to do it would be much better to use an office space where you can concentrate without interruptions.

III: Conclusion

In conclusion, if you want to be more productive when working from home, you should plan your schedule and choose the right environment for each task that you have to do.

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