Is Stress a Choice

Stress is a choice - you have control

Lesson Details:
May 22, 2021

I: Introduction

My family and friends have always been a source of support. They have been there for me through thick and thin. I am so grateful for their presence in my life. But, I have also found that they can be distracting. I have trouble focusing on work because my mother is constantly calling to ask if I want to go shopping. If she calls while I am writing a paper, I will stop what I'm doing and talk to her. When we get off the phone, I realize that I was not productive and that I wasted time talking to her. It's very frustrating!

II: Body

There are times when I need to get away from the rest of my family and focus on work. I've gotten used to working on my own time and it gets very difficult when they try to interrupt me. Everyone is used to me ignoring them when I'm working. So, I figured out a way to work from home without being distracted by my family.

III: Conclusion

I am more productive when I am able to work from home. It's nice to be able to get away from everyone and just get down to business. It's important to find a balance between your job and family and allow yourself some time alone to get stuff done.

Create an outline for an article about Other:

I: Introduction

A: How to beat procrastination

II: Body

A: Don't put things off - start now

III: Conclusion

I: Introduction

I'm not sure why I've always had trouble with procrastination. No matter what I do, I always end up putting things off until the last minute. Whenever I have to write a paper, I tell myself that it's due in two weeks. The day before it's due, I realize that I have not even started writing it yet. As soon as this happens, I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done in such a short time frame.

II: Body

I've learned that it's best to start early rather than wait until the last minute. This way, you are able to collect all of the information you need in order to complete the assignment in a timely manner. You don't have to cram at the last minute, which is stressful and frustrating. The best thing is that you'll have time to fix any problems with your paper, so you won't have to worry about submitting something you're not happy with.

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