How to Change Your Twitter Background

Twitter Background

Lesson Details:
January 30, 2020

Video transcription: Okay so the third image is a Twitter background as you can see in this screenshot of my Twitter profile the Twitter background is the navy blue with the big white bees over here to the navy blue over this side so all elements of your profile are overlaid on the background I highly recommend using a maximum of two to three colors again keep them the same colors as you've been using in your both your header image and your profile image and again keep it very simple not the highly detailed it is very simple very elegant and you'll look very professional so background images actually vary between monitors and put it into a very good job at this but the best size for your image I recommend is 1920 by 1080 pixels this will show how you wanted the show on 85% of monitors so I recommend 1920 by 1080 pixels you can also use a small image that you can align left or right of your profile in that in that space we saw before let me see as you can see I have one over here this is one space this is just an image that I've aligned I have a line left and this is just the color of the background that matches the image I could also align this image right and have it over here if I wanted this to be just a blank color so how do you do that you have you create a smaller image 700 pixels tall by a hundred ninety four pixels wide and it works really well it's displaying to the left or the right of your business I'll show you a couple of examples in just a second another alternative if you don't have anything you want to display it's just to use a plain colored black background that is available to be selected in the Twitter settings very good alternative to keep your profile simple okay so this is one of my friends profile Justin mez he's actually written this book traction and so what he's done he's put a graphic the left of his profile displaying his book and the authors of the book anyone who logs onto profile will see this exact layout obviously the most eye-catching thing on this page is the book which gets a lot of eyes on it here is Sinead Duffy this is a great Twitter account with some awesome quotes that I like to follow I have 2.3 million followers at the moment as you can see they have also utilized the left-hand column in order to advertise poaching from the form of Sinead Duffy at the top you can see they have I'm not so simple but quite symbolic logo that they have matched the profile photo to the background maintaining that professional continue.

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