Viral and funny videos

Viral and funny videos

Lesson Details:
May 19, 2020

Video Transcription: Everyone of course wants their video to go viral this video is brought to you by Abbey pies Academy of course but it's difficult of course YouTube is an entertainment platforms you should always strive to make your stuff as entertaining as possible if it's informative at least you should be brisk and to the point and some jokes in there are good as well but if anything else you know it should really be ah the more entertaining you can make it like la la la whatever I'm not obviously good at making things entertaining but hopefully somebody on your team which is and then you can get more sharing now to get like millions of downloads or millions of views is really hard even for some even for good videos right there's a little bit of an art to making these but even more of an art to promoting and sometimes it requires real muscle that goes on behind the scenes that we don't know as consumers and you know not everybody can make these kinds of videos but even if even before talking about that to truly make an entertaining video its art right it's entertainment it's the right combination of slow script sequence filming everything is gonna be right and it's gotta be put together it's so it's expensive to make it often requires teams of more than one person more than one actor maybe multiple camera views right difficult to make more expensive requires a lot of marketing so there's a lot of promise and potential with this format but it's the hardest one to make right so there's two kinds of viral videos right there is that general viral video maybe of like a funny cat or a nice cute animal or anything else that's finding your cute or nice and that stuff is most entertainment it's typically very hard to upsell and the only time that you really are able to sell things from it it is if you have really like stratospheric reach right if you really get a ton of like million views for video or a hundred thousand or five hundred thousand right then of course you can sell anything those numbers even if you just hint at it right but below that it's hard because people are going to share it but they're not like buyers they're people browsing the web getting entertained you know browsing their Facebook they may not they might not care about the product you ultimately want to sell so the conversion rate for that is typically low if you're selling something now you can I want to show you one thing that one really interesting example of a viral video that's made to be viral within an industry okay and I'm gonna show you an example that's a guy made it who his business was he was selling pool products pool like at home we have a pool where he swim not pool the game and basically pool cleaning products a very boring industry very boring right so he made a video to stand out and here's the video and it's a rap video because he teaches basically how to clean the pool while selling the products right and here's the video I'll tell you a little bit you see if you want to learn how to take care of your pool there's a rap video for it it shows you how to do it sells product in the meantime and guess what this did right he's promoting this swim University it's his website and essentially everybody in this industry has seen this video because it's the one of its kind no one else has something like this in the pool care industry and you can see like he does a lot of videos like this none of these you see the swim universities him none of these have as much Wow this here actually he's got a really good one with 122 thousand views but essentially this is the video that he got known for any went viral and I I actually haven't ever seen this video.

I just noticed it that but let's take a look at what that is but we got 120 mm use maybe it's also funny entertaining and viral just a little bit just to see what the magic here is and when get so many of use all right okay this is gonna be a very informative video it looks like it's possible that when you see such an inflated number of views like you see here 123 thousand he may be paying for ads right he may be promoting it extra this is maybe another viral video this may be maybe something that he did AdWords for he maybe he to the advertising campaign which is very common because if you have a video that converts well any video that has a high conversion rate of product of sales what do you want to do of course you want to get more more views and if it makes money you can afford to pay for views and I think that's what he did here I'm sure it also ranks well for how to get rid of the swimming pool algae and when people search that they probably find this video although probably most of the views still I would guess came from some sort of advertising so the previous video that of interest to us and that was the video with the rap video because you see how he went viral and he did it for his industry he got known as industry you know and he he he also explains to potential customers how to clean the pool so you know it's kind of he kind of did it for his own niche which is a little bit more highly converting and really really stands out if I were him I'd maybe also take a lot more advantage of SEO but maybe he did let's take a look at you know pool care right what if his search for pool care let's see if we find his video where is this video right there so it brings in YouTube search and I think that's pretty well you know I'm looking at the other videos they all have a lot of views and I think he did he does he does pretty well for himself he does take advantage of SEO and he does get videos from he does get views from this search you know I probably press the gas more on the SEO and other techniques that I see that he's not doing but again we'll talk about SEO more later for now I just wanted you to kind of understand the two kinds of viral videos you can make and really what you can expect from either one so that's it for viral videos.

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